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  1. I'm not sure about you guys, but a lot of the time, when I'm recording vocals, I tend to duplicate vocal tracks to have a consistent sound. For example, take a chorus. I'm recording a chorus, and there's 5 or 6 vocal tracks for it. Each of them obviously have their own EQ settings, but there tends to be a couple of common plugins on each one which have the same settings (take plate reverb, or compression). The thing is, I don't want to have to duplicate all of those tracks with all the same effects. It wastes CPU, and eventually causes Logic to overload and stop playback if there's enough going on. I don't want to put those effects into a send though either. I'm not trying to mix wet with dry—I'm trying to get the same sound as putting the plugin directly ON the channel. When using a send, it tends to sound as if it's mixing it in with the dry signal, which is not what I want. I'm kind of having a hard time explaining this, but does anyone who gets what I mean know what to do?
  2. Hi! As far as automation is concerned in Logic, is it possible to adjust fade curves? For example, let's say that I have a fade out at the end of a song which I don't want to manually automate, but at the same time, I don't want a linear fade, would it be possible to adjust the fade curves between fast/slow/linear curves? As far as real-world application is concerned, I tend to like to slowly fade out down until about −12dB, and once it hits that level, fade out at a faster rate.
  3. No, because you'd still be mixing that signal with the dry signal directly routed from the original channel strip to the mix (therefore not being routed through the Space Designer plug-in). Ahh, alright. I get it now. Kind of the same way parallel compression works—it's more subtle.
  4. Triplets—Could I do that without it taxing my CPU too much? I have around 40 tracks so far. :S Erikismon—Haha, yeah, I'm still kind of getting over the break up. It was mutual though. I'm just getting used to Logic's new, sexier curves. Bouncing-in-place is something I don't have anything against, beyond the fact that it's slightly destructive. I suppose I could automate—I just honestly have having to automate everything. I've always been really horrible at it, but I suppose practice makes perfect. Okay, so back to my original question. The MIDI regions—Is there any way to stop that behavior, triplets?
  5. Hm, well how about to an audio clip then? Once more, non-destructively.
  6. For mastering purposes, you don't want the mix to peak at the stereo out at any point. Some people turn the master fader down, which I don't like to do. Like you said, turn it down on the individual channels. Or if you're bussing sub-mixes, bring those down. Oops. I forgot to throw in there, set up a stereo bus, and send all the tracks to it, then set the bus to mono, then send that bus to the stereo out. Then do all of that. I personally never turn the master fader down—it affects the limiter, and I like to see my meter read at least −3.0dB when I'm mixing. If it's going to an ME, I try to give them a lot of headroom, so I tend to mix at around −5.0dB or −6.0dB.
  7. If you are using Sends then you are still getting the unaffected signal mixed with your affected signal (Send) because the track output is set to Stereo Out. For what you're looking for, Don't use Sends. Just set the Output of your track to the bus instead of Stereo Out. Not to hijack or anything, but wouldn't setting the fader mode to post instead of pre also yield this same effect?
  8. Ahh, alright. Yeah, it's slightly annoying at times. I'm still trying to figure out a way to pull up a lane view, kind of like the comp view with audio, so you can have different takes but with MIDI. I'm still stuck using SONAR terminology I think, so I'm sorry if I do. Basically, a clip to me is any region on a specific track where there is MIDI or audio. Basically, I want to apply the effect to a specific audio clip (or "region", if I have my terminology right) without having to automate it, or add any more tracks. Ignore the part about "in accordance with other effects". For example, you have a channel set up for lead vocals. You have compression, reverb, and a small slapback delay set up on the channel. Now, you want to keep that small slapback as-is. At the end of a phrase in the lyrics (such as the word now), you want to add a long, and extremely obvious echo, so you split/cut/scissor the section where that phrase begins. Is there a way to add that long delay specifically on that clip so that the word "now" echoes to whatever parameters are set in the delay? I don't want to add it to the channel—just the clip. Basically what I mean by "in accordance to other effects" is basically this: You have the effects on the channel, which once more are compression, reverb and a slapback delay. You always want these parameters to stay the same through the entire song. You just want one clip/region with a little extra delay on top of the other effects already on the channel.
  9. My usual trick is this. When tracking, select all the tracks and pull them down anywhere between −12dB and −18dB. When mixing, pull them up between −8dB and −5dB. All the channels together should be just bareeely clipping. Make sure no individual track is clipping though, and try to make sure that the master isn't clipping either. You want the master to just about clip, but try to make sure it doesn't. If it start clipping during mixing, pull it down even more, but whatever you do, make sure it isn't clipping for the majority of the song. If it clips here and there, that's fine—that can easily be fixed via limiting, but yeah. Track quietly, mix at a decent volume, and the final product should be fairly loud.
  10. Hit B, go to the bin, find the file. Maybe if you rename it, that might fix it?
  11. Hey guys! First off, I'm new here, my name is Ngaio (on the professional level, I go by Keph), and I recently purchased a MacBook Pro, and afterwards, Logic. I'm 17. I've been composing, and writing music since I was 11—starting off with a MIDI keyboard and FL Studio (which I very quickly grew out of, thank god), and purchased SONAR by age 12. Nonetheless, I sucked for the first couple of years, but by age 13, things started really fleshing out, and I took an interest in engineering at age 14. Anyway, that's my little introduction. Coming from a background of using SONAR since version 6 (they're on X1 now), switching to Logic was a big change for me. Nonetheless, I saw it as something more of an opportunity than anything else—the pros outweighed the cons. There hasn't been too steep of a learning curve so far, and I'm quickly becoming familiar with the majority of things. But there are a few things which I'm a little bothered by so far. 1. First thing is pertaining to MIDI clips. This hasn't happened with audio clips (so far, at least), but here's the low down. When I first start a song, I have no problem repositioning the start time of a clip, but somewhere along the line, I'm not sure exactly what happens, but I lose this functionality. Let's say you write a part consisting of about 8 bars, and it's repeated. You don't like the first 4 bars, so you opt to take out the first 4 bars and use the last 4 and loop that twice instead, but you don't want to delete the MIDI information that's in there. Well, here's my issue. When I try to change the start time of the clip, it goes about 1 beat into a bar and then stops and at that point, I'm unable to drag it any further to the right. By that, I mean I'll drag it to the position I want the clip to start, but I'll let go and then nothing will happen. It'll just stay there. 2. In SONAR there was a feature where you could apply a specific effect to an audio clip in accordance to the other effects on that particular channel. I'm under the impression that Logic has a feature that's similar to this, but I just haven't found it? I'd hope that was the case! Even if it's not, is there a workaround? Lastly, I'd like to say that I'm extremely impressed by Logic. I love it, and it's a great piece of software. MainStage is also extremely helpful. I haven't had a chance to really use it in a live scenario yet, but I've messed around with it for practice. I'm actually extremely surprised! Anyway, anyone who could help me out with these small issues, I'd appreciate it! Thanks Ngaio
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