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Zero Latency Monitoring with Logic 8 and TotalMix.

Eric Cardenas

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This is a quick tip of how to use zero-latency monitoring with software-reverb. In this example I'm using the RME TotalMix but you can easily Swap that for your interface. I've also made a separate Mix one for the Musician and one for the Control Room. You don't need that if you are a bedroom producer.


  1. We have one track with the whole arrange(This could be 72 tracks or more if you want but just for the sake of the example I'll keep simple.) AND one track for recording vocals. Now, have the vocals set to Input 2.
    ffmon1.png.e7eee0193510e79af723d38cdb30d1d6.pngTotalMix & Logic
  2. Make sure that all tracks are routed to Output. If not Drag select in the mixer and choose Out 1-2.
  3. Select your Vocal track and in the inspector-mixer choose: send > bus 1. To the right of the channel strip you just used you have the a new AUX with it's Input set to the bus you've just made. Make it Stereo, set the Output to 9-10 and insert a Space. Open the Mixer and name it Space.
  4. Ok... now let's make sure that Software Monitoring is OFF. For convenience, Control-click the transport and choose Customize. Select Software Monitoring and press OK. You will now have a little speaker button on your transport, make sure it isn't green.
  5. Make a new Audiotrack by pressing(Command-Option-N or double-click beneath the last one you've made ). Open the Environment by pressing Command-8 and choose: Layer > Mixer.
    Now Set the Channel to Input 2. Set send to bus 1(it should read bus 1 (Space)) then Option-click the send-knob and set the send to Pre. Name the Input Object MonVerb.
  6. Now go to Total mix. Make sure that Submix is on. Total Mix has three rows with faders. Number 1 is the FF800 inputs, number 2 is you DAW Outputs and number 3 is the FF800 Outputs. You can route every Input and DAW Output to one or as many FF800 outputs that you need. For the sake of this Example we will use FF800 output 1-2 (AN 1 & AN 2) for the control room and F800 output 9-10 (AN 3 & AN 4) for the musician.
  7. Click on one of the faders labeled AN 3/AN 4 on the third row to highlight the settings for the phone-mix. Then Control-Option-click to make the faders go to 0.0 dB.
  8. On the First row you have your vocal input (In 2 is the default I've named my Eureka). Drag the fader up and the musician should be able to hear his voice(If you want you can Control-click to set it to 0). Control-click on the pan fader to center it.
  9. On the Second row You have Out 1-2. Option drag the faders and the musician will hear the arrangement... OK, so now you have fader 2 on the First row allowing you to send the direct signal of the microphone to the musician and fader 1 and 2 on the second row sending the musician the whole arrangement from Logic without the vocals. This is as long as you have AN 3-4 selected in the Third row.
  10. The last thing is the reverb. It's fader 9 and 10 on the Second row. Option-Drag to send some of that nice Space Designer to your musician.
  11. So now everything is good and nice for the guy or girl on the phones. But what About you in the control-room.
    Well the same applies to you but you are on AN 1/AN 2 so click on the first fader on the Third row. To hear the direct vocals drag fader 2 on First row up. To hear Logic Option-drag fader 1 on the Second row. And to hear vocal reverb Option-drag fader 9 on the Second row.
    This will work for Punch-in too!



Good Luck and Good night.


/Eric Cardenas

Making Sound.

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  • 4 weeks later...



Just wondering, you mentioned in another thread a while back (found here) that I could achieve this method with my Tascam US-122, but that I would simply follow steps 1-5, and just use the Output 1-2.


Here is what I did:


[image deleted]


I brought up the send on Bus 1 (pre pan) in the MonVerb, and everything works fine.


Now, I am wondering, would you be able to explain to me how this is working exactly? How is this creating Zero Latency, and how does this work better than simply sending the Vocal track to Bus 1 (Space) and recording? Wouldn't the vocal track itself still be recording at zero latency in this respect?


I think I'm answering my own question here: but MonVerb was created so that I can hear the reverb through my Direct Monitor in my Tascam, right?


And when I record the dry vocal in the Vocals track, I'm not recording anything in the MonVerb, so I can just delete that audio track when I'm done tracking vocals, right? And then just bring up the aux send on my Vocals track to adjust how much verb I want from the Space Aux?


I hope I'm not running in circles here, although it does feel that way. :shock:


My brain is JUST on the VERGE of understanding what is going on, so many thanks for any help you can provide, whether it be a little push over the wall, or throwing tomatoes at me until I have no choice but to jump over myself. :lol:

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  • 6 months later...

Another option is to keep Software Monitoring ON, set up a pre-fader send to a reverb, and pull down the track's fader (during record).


After you have set up a send, you can insert a plugin in the Aux that automatically pops up next to the track in Arrange - no need to go to the Environment.


(...and of course monitor the dry signal via Total Mix or whatever 3rd part mixer you use...)


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