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  1. It isn't Apple Script, the code is available above. Logic is mostly C/C++ right now, with Cocoa/ProKit being used for the new UI additions. If it was all Cocoa (or primarily Cocoa, like STP) then hacks like this would be easy and you could customize practically anything. But because the majority of the code is C/C++ and the symbols have been stripped, doing hacks like this involve disassembling Logic and messing around in gdb for hours.
  2. http://www.wabdo.com/LogicCCNaming/LogicCCNaming_Screen.png Main Download Download Source Code I've created a hack that allows you to add custom CC names to Hyper Draw, as in the above screenshot. After it is installed you simply double click on an item in the CC selector table (accessed through View->Hyper Draw->Other...) to give it a custom name. Every track (both MIDI and audio) has it's own set of names. The data is saved inside your project so that the names are portable to any Logic installation (provided that the hack is installed). Your custom names only appear in this table; standard MIDI CC names appear elsewhere in Logic (while dragging automation nodes, etc). It only works on Intel Macs for now...if a lot of people want it then I can work on getting a ppc version going. Installation Instructions: 1 - Download and install SIMBL if you haven't previously done so. 2 - Move LogicCCNaming.bundle into your ~/Library/Application Support/SIMBL/Plugins/ folder, creating parent directories where necessary. 3 - Launch Logic Pro.
  3. You are right, I don't know what I was doing wrong. About moving from TBA to RBA - what it appears to do is look for the parameter -> MIDI CC mapping and then moves the automation to that CC (after scaling). The values in the piano roll are not expressed in the original parameters units and they are not named. So the feature that I'd like to see, at the least, is the ability to edit AU parameters by name in and in their original units within the piano roll.
  4. Is there any way to quantize notes (apply swing, etc) without having them visually shift around in the piano roll? When working on drums I want to see all the notes lined up with the grid but also have a swing applied. Perhaps some delay trickery in the environment? What would be REALLY nice is to have the grid lines in the piano roll change according to the current quantize value...
  5. Last time I tried this (in L7) I couldn't get it to work. Is this new in L8? I'm confused about this. The manual describes going from TBA to RBA as: AU parameters are not MIDI CC data, so is it scaling the AU parameters to the MIDI CC range (which would mean a loss of resolution) and then creating some kind of internal mapping between CC events and AU parameters? I don't have a copy of Logic available to try this out on right now...
  6. The separation between Hyper Draw automation (MIDI controller events) and track automation (AU/logic instrument parameters, faders, etc) should be removed. In removing this separation, MIDI automation would get curves like track automation currently has, and you would also be able to automate AU parameters in the Piano Roll/Hyper Editor. In order to remove this separation and still allow for region based automation AND track based automation, a system for controlling track/region interactions needs to be devised. In Ableton Live, you can edit AU parameters in the piano roll (region automation) relative to track automation. For example, say you set the track automation for a filter parameter to a constant 500hz. You then go in the piano roll for a MIDI region and sweep the value from 0% to 100% (the values in the piano roll appear as percentages). The filter is then sweeped from 0 to 500hz for that region. This obviously is very simplistic and Logic could improve on it a great deal. Regions should have both absolute and relative automation modes so that you can either completely override the track automation, or automate relative to it. In absolute mode, you would be automating in the parameters units (hz, semitones, etc) and in relative mode you would be automating in percentages. Unlike Live, you should also be allowed to exceed 100% when in relative mode (e.g/ go to 200% which in the previous example would take the filter cutoff to 1000hz). The true (current) value of a relative parameter should also be displayed in a pop-up when you are editing it (e.g. 50% - 250hz). It would also be nice if all forms of automation in the piano roll had mode to snap nodes to the nearest midi note. This idea could also be extended to audio. The sample editor could be extended to have an automation editor superimposed on the waveform with the exact same behavior as described above for the piano roll. Sorry if this is long winded...perhaps I should split this into separate requests. Ryan
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