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Hugh Mann

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  1. If you switch to Layout mode and select the object that's mapped to Octave Up/Down (maybe it's a button object) in the Inspector on the left side of the app there is a Type popup. Try playing around with this popup to see if it gets the result you need... maybe setting it to Single Value will help.
  2. Just as an after thought, check your Reason prefs to make sure that in the MIDI section the "use with Reason" checkbox for your controller is unchecked. Otherwise Reason will receive MIDI from both Mainstage and directly from your controller.
  3. I just tried and it's working as expected for me. I have C-2 to B2 playing a Reason instrument, C3 to B4 plays an EVP based strip and C5 on up plays another Logic strip. These all play independently and are restricted to the keys set in the Layer Editor in Mainstage. This was just a test and I used the default Reason demo song and pointed the channel strip in Mainstage to the Bass channel in Reason 4.01.
  4. I think it might be possible to set up an IAC bus in Audio MIDI Setup so that you can route the MIDI from the DAW into Mainstage. Then you can use something like Soundflower to route to audio back from Mainstage into the DAW. Or maybe you could connect some cables from a pair of outputs on your Audio I/O back to a pair of inputs... I haven't tried this, but it should work in theory!
  5. When you say 'stop' and 'play' are you referring to having a button mapped to the Play/Stop action? Sorry if that seems to be an obvious question!
  6. IAC stands for Inter Application Communication.. and as the name implies it is used for sending MIDI between apps. So in app A you would set IAC as the MIDI output destination, and in app B you would set it as the input source. In AMS (Audio MIDI Setup) you can setup up to 4 separate IAC busses and give them individual names. If you don't plan to use IAC then you can also turn it off in AMS. Users of OMS from OS9 will remember this I don't have an Axiom but I seem to remember reading that preset 4 works instead of preset 1. Not sure about that since I can't try it...
  7. That's weird. Everything that's required to use Logic is part of the Logic main installer, so you shouldn't have to be installing this by itself. Did you run the main Logic installation and still have this problem? Just wondering why you need to install this piece without doing it via Logic's installer! However, I think that you can use something called Pacifist (.. Pacify... or something like that) and it allows individual pieces of an installation to be installed without going thru the main installer (Logic's disc 1 in this case).
  8. Are you trying to install it on your boot volume? Also, have you tried running system update to see if you need to update any OS pieces first?
  9. I'm just wondering if triggering a Panic would have helped! Some of us have seen the problem of patches not playing instantly, or that the audio cuts off, but I've never seen it where the audio totally cuts off requiring the computer to be rebooted. If it happens again can you try triggering a Panic to see if it helps and let us know Thanks
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