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  1. Ah - it's so nice to check back in after so long, and see some familiar faces. Looking forward to the new Logic, and of course, David's new book. (I think I still have the Training Manuals from V8 and V9 on the bookshelf behind me) Good times!
  2. Having the same issue today. Tried reinstalling Logic app, trashing prefs, etc. Continuously failing. Wonder if there is something wonky going on with the Apple servers?
  3. Not that it matters, but I'll go on record as saying that I absolutely love this new update - everything about it. Perfect. Big thumbs up to the Apple Logic Pro X dev teams!
  4. Just wanted to drop in and say how much I love this new design - it's fantastic! Thanks David and everyone involved for all of your hard work!!
  5. I don't think I'm understanding you - my apologies if so... But you should not be trying to play your UAD guitar amp simulator via the Apollo directly through Logic Pro X ... that's what UAD's Console App is for - you'll have no latency that way. I can't speak for using the Logic Amp Designer, though - that is definitely linked to your LPX buffer setting (latency-wise). Set down to 32, you should be pretty dead on for low latency use in Amp Designer. Did you try using it with Low Latency Mode engaged and see what happens?
  6. It pops up wherever you LAST left it.
  7. Seems to be worked completely out in 10.2.3... at least on my machine. Every test I threw at it came out working perfectly. Big thumbs up! That multi-out issue seems like a non-issue to me. I can see that some people could get annoyed opening old sessions, but honestly... how hard it is to hotkey all the sends/busses/routing to the proper place? Might take three, maybe five seconds.
  8. If there's no level showing on the Stereo Out, then there has to be a routing problem. Make sure you have "all" tracks showing in the mixer and see if you can hunt down where something is wonky. Also, how are you "pausing" the project? With a hotkey? The mouse?
  9. I've given up on Gobbler, at least for the time being... because, I can never -ever- get a response from their support team; I have serious trouble logging into my Gobbler account online, which makes me very nervous about ever having to use them as a backup service. I had been using them since they were in "beta", but recently decided to go with "backblaze", even though it costs money (very little), because they seem much more hands-on, reliable, and I can log into their site from every place I've tried without exception.
  10. Looked around and didn't see this listed (might have missed it) I use iZotope RX as an audio editor, and up until LPX 10.2.2, you could highlight a track, click the "edit" menu, and select "Edit Audio in iZotope RX" etc... from the dropdown menu. Since the recent upgrade to LPX 10.2.2, following that same procedure, the option to "Edit Audio in iZotope RX" doesn't show up - UNTIL - you go into Logic's Preferences > Audio > Audio File Editor (where iZotope RX is listed already as the chosen editor), then close Preferences. The option to use it as you Audio File Editor automatically shows up in the Edit menu now. Very odd. I've re-installed RX, trashed prefs, etc... always the same thing. So, my workflow is now: -- Highlight audio track -- Go to Preferences > Audio > Audio File Editor -- Close Preferences -- Click the "Edit" menu -- Select RX
  11. Like... giving a singer a lisp? I laughed a little too hard at this... because it's so true.
  12. While I totally understand your frustration with that, and I hope I'm not overstepping any bounds, but I would seriously consider not upgrading in the middle of a paid project... you never know what kind of wackiness might occur! I've always found it's best to wait until after a paid project in order to have time to get used to the new things - or even better, keep an old copy of the previous version of LPX in case you need to fall back on familiar ground for a bit.
  13. Hallelujah it seems that the old automation bug has actually been fixed... OMG this is EPIC!!!! I am so happy I could pee myself. *automation bug was when writing automation, the actually written automation could not line up with the graphic waveform or it would be off b/c of the delay compensation for playhead etc. If you had a plugin on the 2-buss that incurred any latency, then the entire automation of the mix channels would be off by that amount. Appears to be fixed!
  14. Yeah, it is a real pain... I am envious that you get to ask for stems and just get down to business. Wish I had that option. You can read a little about the automation problems here: http://www.logicprohelp.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=95699 There are more - and some are just down to graphics not being compensated for. Ugh.
  15. That's cool that they approved LPX and you'll be able to use that as a standard between projects. I'm in the other camp that has to use PT because of two reasons: 1) it is what 90% of the projects are sent to me are in. Which is fine. Sometimes I pull them into LPX anyway if I don't see any need to stay in PT. ...but, 2) If there is going to be any heavy automation, I absolutely have to use PT12 because the automation in LPX is - to me - just unusable if there are any plugins in the mix which introduce latency (and that means basically any plugins, especially UAD or Waves). I am fine with basic automation, like pulling down the volume of a verse or chorus, but if I have to automate around "de-essing", pulling down specific transients, or automate send/aux's, I don't have to time to guess and then listen, guess and then listen some more, to find exactly the right place to input some automation. If I can *see* the transient, then I need to be able to automate around it and keep moving... instead, in LPX, I have to automate around it, then listen and find out how far off the automation was written, then highlight it and move it and check again to see if it's ok... rinse/repeat until that one section is correct. I will probably always prefer to work in Logic - it has been my main DAW for almost 15 years - but that automation bug has planted me squarely in Pro Tools land until it gets fixed. Bummer.
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