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David Nahmani

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David Nahmani last won the day on May 5

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  1. Right but because you can have only one take selected at a time, you couldn't keep both comps in that overlapping section. You're either choosing the first comp or the second one, you can't have both, which would mean you would have 2 takes selected at the same time. So you wanted to keep the edits from the 2nd take folders and not the 1st one? In that case keep the 2nd take folder and drag the takes from the 1st folder into the 2nd take folder.
  2. I doubt it, I mean, even if there was a copy protection regarding grabbing a handle, there would be other ways to go about region gain adjustment, such as Gain Click Zones the same way we have Fade Click Zones, or a gain hot spot on hover just like for Flex Pitch beams.
  3. They're likely like this (with a length number). Double-click the number and type in zero.
  4. Click the background of the workspace to deselect all regions so the Region Inspector shows you the Audio Defaults settings, and set all fades to zero.
  5. I also believe that Apple has to push the newer, flashy, AI-based, Apple Silicon-based features first, for marketing reasons. While it may excite some of us here on Logic Pro Help to mention workflow based functionality such as the ability to move channel strips in the Mixer, zoom on the pointer tool, ARA support, track search etc... those aren't going to make for a good press release and aren't going to be picked up by major tech news outlets the way Session Players, a Mastering Assistant, or Dolby Atmos support will be. Throw in a few trendy keywords like AI, neural network, machine learning, and you've got yourself the recipe to get people excited and newspapers to talk about you. Now hopefully we'll see the workflow improvements, smaller yet important features, bug fixes etc in smaller point upgrades down the line. At least that's my wishful thinking. Now for the real question that's on everyone's lips. When is Logic Pro 11.1 going to be released, and what will be the new features? 😆
  6. Make sure you're playing in the correct octave range? Use the Z or X key to set your Musical Typing window to the C1 octave:
  7. How did you end up doing it? If I understand you correctly then the best I can think of would be to cut up the take folders into smaller regions that corresponds to the parts of the comps you want to keep.
  8. All session players, not just Keyboard Player: Create and edit chord progressions in the Chord Track while your Session Players follow along.
  9. Sonoma is the nickname for macOS 14. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MacOS_Sonoma
  10. That would truly be great. Maybe in the next iteration of Stem Splitter? 😃
  11. Good point. It's reminiscent of how macOS was macOS 10.0 then 10.1 etc... until 10.15, then went to 11, 12, 13, 14 even though the changes weren't suddenly larger. Just a difference in the numbering scheme.
  12. In the part that is overlapping, you have two take folders. If you combine them into one single take folder, then you can hear only one take at a time in that single take folder, no matter how you combine them. If you want to be able to hear two takes at the same time, or two comps at the same time, then you need to keep two take folders.
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