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David Nahmani

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  1. That's part of the process! 😄
  2. You can adjust the crossfades for take comping under Logic Pro > Settings > Audio> Editing.
  3. Those screenshots are from an older version of Logic Pro. In the current version (10.8.1), you can choose the MIDI Input Port and channel for each track in the track inspector.
  4. What audio file are you importing? Is it an Apple Loop, an mp3..?
  5. What mixer and audio interface are you using?
  6. Indeed. Here's a demonstration of the low pass filter taking the jagged edges away.
  7. You're welcome! 🙂 Note that after you've selected the desired notes, you can also use Functions > MIDI Transform > Random Velocity, and adjust the values below 'Random' to, for example, 95 and 85, then click Operate Only.
  8. In the Piano Roll, click the snare note on the keyboard on the left to select all snares, then hold down Shift while you click or drag around the snares in your fills to deselect them. Then you can drag the velocity of one of the selected snares to adjust all of them.
  9. Ok because what I do know is that Logic will push the end marker to match the end of the last region when needed, meaning as you make your arrangement longer. By default the project end marker in a new empty project is at bar 129. Now if you put a region that is for example 2 bars and 1 beat long at bar 129 then that will push the project end marker to bar 132. Maybe that's what you're seeing, you've arranged a song and Logic has automatically pushed the end marker at the end of the last region.
  10. Fantastic cover of an amazing song. Beautiful job you've done there. I'm amazed at how good a singer you are. And the mix sounds really good too.
  11. No, absolutely not distracting at all. My first thought was indeed that it was the character of the voice itself. Could be a throaty sound or some kind of vocal fry. In any case it's light and I don't mind it. I zoomed in to look closer only because you mentioned it.
  12. I'm not even convinced it's distortion, it could be part of the actual timbre of voice of the voice actor. If you zoom in on other words where you can hear the same kind of sound, you can see that same kind of shape, even though they are recorded at a lower level. Does the sound really bother you?
  13. If you zoom in close enough, looking at the actual sample values, you can see that this isn't pure digital clipping, and you're nowhere near 0 dBFS (the digital clipping point). So something else is creating that distortion.
  14. Ok so that clipping occurred somewhere before the digital signal was recorded in Logic. So either in the converters or in the audio interface software. Are the Volt's Vintage and 76 compressor off when you're recording?
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