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David Nahmani

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  1. I agree I would ask the manufacturer if they're aware of the issue when using their plug-in with Logic Pro.
  2. You're correct. I'm not sure why, if there's a reason for it or if it's a bug. Interesting! I had never noticed that, I believe I rarely or never use these zoom key commands during playback.
  3. Are you also having this issue when Option + resizing audio regions to stretch them? I would suggest you switch on Flex View, enable Flex on the track header, and drag the upper-right corner of the region to stretch it, to take advantage of the (newer and improved) Flex time-stretching algorithms and nondestructive workflow.
  4. The MIDI files were performed, not programmed. Apple flew in some of the best drummers in the world to Cupertino to make them play on V-Drums to get those performances. It does sound like everybody likes to throw the term AI around just because it's trendy, while we don't really know what it truly means. I mean, was Clippit (the Microsoft Office Assistant) AI in 1996? 😄
  5. Great! Thanks for providing your own answer. 🙂
  6. I'm assuming you're using the Zoom Horizontal In/Out key commands (Command + Left arrow and Command + Right arrow)? In that case the anchor which stays at the same position on the screen is (in order of priority): the playhead when it's visible the left edge of the selection the left edge of the workspace
  7. Which instrument is that? Or do you get this issue with all instruments?
  8. Yes, that's correct, new photos, only the interface hasn't changed so they look the same as previous ones. @jerrydpi @Kreacher of Hobbit You should see a "Follow" button at the top right of this thread.
  9. It's easy, just log in to the App Store and install Logic Pro. Here's an article with more details:
  10. Yes, the screenshots you're seeing on Apple's site are Logic Pro 11.
  11. I agree this could be handled more elegantly.
  12. Or if you mean an actual default template file, then make sure you save the file after you've set the sample rate to 48kHz?
  13. Not as far as I know unfortunately. 😞
  14. Ok so now I finally understand what you're saying (thanks for your patience). You wish you could keep the locations of the 'cuts' between the take selections (the edit points) and not the actual take selection itself. Got it. Ok so there's a way to do that: For each take folder, unpack to independent tracks. That should give you one track for each take plus two tracks, one for each comp. Select all the regions and choose Functions > Folder > Pack Take Folder. You now have the individual regions for each little take selection you had in each comp, allowing you to make those selections in any of the takes in the new take folder.
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