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David Nahmani

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David Nahmani last won the day on May 5

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  1. Your 3rd party plug-ins are .component files found in one of these two locations: Macintosh HD/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/ ~/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/
  2. That's a custom assignment. The key command is Control + X in all Logic key command presets. You can also access this function via menu: Functions > Remove Silence from Audio Region. As a reminder, holding down Control while you choose an item in a menu opens the Key Command Assignments window with that command selected, so that you easily edit its assignment.
  3. You could use the Modulator MIDI FX to modulate the Pitch Shifter plug-in.
  4. If, as suggested by oscwilde and des99, you have set up custom screensets in a template, then you can import the screenset into any other existing project using File > Project Settings > Import Project Settings. Select the template file and you'll be able to choose which settings you want to import.
  5. My guess is they'll come with the actual release, on Monday.
  6. The feature request (that has been requested for many years) is the capability to rearrange channel strip in the Mixer, from the Mixer, and without the need to have a corresponding track for that channel strip.
  7. There are multiple ways to achieve this. An easy way is to use the Transpose parameter in the Region Inspector:
  8. Assuming you're talking about software instrument tracks, you should get the desired behavior if you disable all R buttons.
  9. It should work unless the audio file you're using isn't the proper format (for example mp3)? Try it: record some audio, turn on flex and drag the upper right corner.
  10. What if you create a new Logic project file with those instruments, save it, close it and reopen it: does that work as expected?
  11. Yes and apparently they may have done something similar with session players, although who knows exactly how it was made? Here's the excerpt from their press release: Bass Player was trained in collaboration with today’s best bass players using advanced AI and sampling technologies. With Keyboard Player, users can choose from four different styles, designed in cooperation with top studio musicians...
  12. We would have to look at the specific routing you've set up in your template, but basically when you solo a channel strip, Logic mutes all other channel strips except for channel strips that are in the signal flow of the one you've soloed. So for example if you have a track that sends to a bus that reaches an Aux and you solo the track, Logic does not mute that Aux channel strip.
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