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David Nahmani

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David Nahmani last won the day on May 5

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My Logic Pro book

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  1. @Zipfunk just did a great job of simplifying the list of instructions for you. If there's one specific paragraph out of the three, or one specific step out of the six, that is causing confusion, do let us know here so that we can offer more details (and screenshots or even an animated screen capture if needed).
  2. It doesn't say at what precise time it's released.
  3. Yes, that page is on the Australian localized version of the Apple site, so the information is destined for Australians where it's almost one day earlier than in the US.
  4. In fact it's already May 13 in Australia right now.
  5. Looks like the Australian release date is May 14 then. The US release is still May 13.
  6. I'm not sure which Logic version you're using, on your screenshot it appears like you may use an older version with a customized GUI. For reference, in Logic Pro 10.8.1. Control + S is assigned by default to Engage Solo Tracks (Channel Strips) of Selected Regions/Cells. In earlier versions of Logic Pro that same shortcut was assigned to Toggle Region Solo (a.k.a. Solo Mode) which may have carried over if you were using an older Logic Pro version on your current Mac before updating to 10.8.1. On your screenshot you are in Region Solo Lock Mode, which happens when you Control + click the Solo button in your Control bar and choose Solo Lock, or use a custom key command assignment for Set Solo Lock Mode. In Solo Lock Mode, whatever regions were selected when you engaged Solo Lock remain soloed, no matter what you select afterwards.
  7. Shift, not Option. Start dragging then press and hold the keys as you continue dragging.
  8. What I do is start dragging then hold down Control + Shift as I drag, to temporarily disable snapping.
  9. I'm afraid you have to write them out in the new key.
  10. Choose Logic Pro > Key Commands > Edit Assignments, click one of the commands to make sure the list of commands has the key focus, then press the spacebar a few times to see what it's assigned to. Is it assigned to Mute?
  11. Definitely agree, each method has its pros and cons, thanks for adding yours! 🙂
  12. On the screenshots on Apple.com the Browsers button is still intact on the far right of the Control bar.
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