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  1. Is there a global setting (or some method) to not load/use ram on channels with bypassed inputs. For example: When using large synths, omnisphere, superior drummer etc. I bounce in place and bypass the original in an effort to save ram however, I don't think I'm actually making much of a difference. I would like to keep the original preset in the arrangement in case I want to go back and change something. I can clear the ram on superior drummer but on most sample based synths, the option isn't as obvious. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks. Dual 2.4 Macbook 4GB RAM
  2. Thanks Bob, potentially an album but without the direct intention of a full LP yet. Would be nice to have access to live drums etc. too. These are more of detailed outlines to potentially gain interest.
  3. Thanks for listening already. I did all of the music and recorded the singer in my bedroom.
  4. Been working on writing but also adapting old songs into a new sound. Have used Logic for maybe 9 months now (love it) and was using cubase for a long time before that. Have a listen and let me know what you think. Thanks.
  5. I love this; was just wondering if there was a shortcut and stumbled upon this thread.
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