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  1. Thanks for the reply. Will have a look into that. I also emailed the people at pulse to see if there was a software only version to use with a contact mike you already may have.
  2. Hi I was wondering if it is possible to do what this http://www.pulsecontroller.com/ does using the environment—converting an acoustic impulse into a midi note using a contact mic? Thanks
  3. Does anyone know of an environment for a Yamaha TG33? Thaks
  4. ah, that's great nice and simple. Thanks for the reply G
  5. Hi I've tried this but not had any luck, is it possible? I'm using transformer objects in the environment, when I put a monitor object on the channel strip the Morph control puts out a Fader message but this doesn't seem to respond to remote automation. Any tips appreciated Cheers
  6. Hi. Does anyone have a setup for record midi from Numerology. I'm struggling with logic picking up the Midi Clock. I never seem to have much success with logic and syncing. I run cycling 74 M sending MTC to Ableton fine but not in Logic. I presuming there's a sync setup I'm missing, i've tried everything i can think off, any help much appreciated
  7. i have a couple of these, can't really fault them. only they are 5400 if you need a 7200. http://www.google.com/products/catalog?hl=en&q=lacie+rugged&um=1&ie=UTF-8&cid=17059344600115405173&sa=X&ei=UqdrTZ3MNoir8APvtNHyBw&ved=0CEAQ8wIwAg#
  8. thanks for the help, it's saved me a lot of time. I find it really hard to find these things out by just reading the manual.
  9. hey, thanks for this it works great, i really appreciate it. A couple of quick questions: —Is there any significance to how you've rounded the numbers up for the scale values? —Also how does the record enable affect the repeat function? (this is what seems to turn the repeat onand of)
  10. Yes that's right. I'm not really that confident in what all the different modes do but this seemed to work best. Everything works fine apart from the repeat button switching off when the octaves reach 0. I've attached the logic file which may make it clearer. Thanks Arp-auto3.zip
  11. This is a screen grab from my transformer object. I've also tried it with the value 'fixed at 59' as opposed to 'Add 1'
  12. I haven't got it to hand at the moment, but from memory it's a simple— Status: = Control Channel: = 1 Pitch: fix 58 Satus: = Control Channel: = 1 Pitch: fix 59
  13. Hi. I've created an environment to control an arppegiator remotely, on a Kenton Killamix which has fixed cc values. I've skipped automating the 'repeat' function and so used a transformer object to change the cc value by one 58 to 59 for the octaves. However i alter the octaves from my controller the 'repeat' function also switches on and off. I've used monitors to check that the cc data is correct. Is there anything else I should do? Any help much appreciated
  14. Hi, This does exactly what i wanted to, thanks for the reply G
  15. Just wondering if there are any cabling examples to do the following: I have an environment set up with multiple chord memorizers. I'm wanting to be able to select one using a button, or from a menu. I've been using cable switchers to get by but it's not really doing what i want. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks G
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