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fisherking last won the day on March 21

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  1. have you rebooted? and does it happen with all projects, or just one? if it's persistant, try changing your display settings (screen size), then back to what you want, then re-open logic...
  2. change your display settings? or check the accessibility settings in system settings...
  3. 3 days to '11'. if i start drinking now, i can recover by monday (it's friday 1130am here), and be ready for the new....
  4. i had those bumps and red spots, but the doctor prescribed a cream, and now they're gone.
  5. this. an endless thing (for example, on mac forums): 'where's the new stuff? give us new stuff!", followed by "why did they change things? everything was fine as it was". 😳🤣
  6. why not just keep software in one place, and change nothing? i'm personally glad to see forward motion, in everything; would not want my mac to look like it's 1999 (or something). change is (or can be) inspiring, challenging. also fun... aaaaagh!!
  7. the GUI has changed in small ways over time, and it looks perfectly modern on my mac right now. still, am also looking forward to it's further evolution (a revolution would be cool too, as it would probably terrify all of us 🤣).
  8. the general rule of thumb is to get your master to -14 LUFS, but everyone i work with goes louder (me too), so -11 LUFS to -7 or -8 LUFS. personally am not really interested in dolby atmos until it (or something else) becomes a standard for all streamers. so i do my masters as 44/24 stereo wav files. my experience is, everything works out fine (i've heard my work on spotify, tidal, applemusic, amazon, youtube). mostly, trust your ears (and meters), and streaming services will adapt your mix to their requirements.
  9. so that's how phones are made... 🤯
  10. i know, still off-topic🙄 . but this is still interesting (as i'd brought this up earlier in this thread)...
  11. there are new options; happens with every new logic version. but how is it less of a DAW? it can still do everything it does right this second. having options does not mean having to use them. anyway, personally, am excited to check out the studio assistants....
  12. that i get, and it is (and has always been) frustrating... 🤔
  13. can't do what after all? this is an (admittedly inelegant) way to move things around, and it works...
  14. i know it's off-topic 🙄, but for all the things apple gets right, the new ipad pro ad is... horrific, a complete misstep (& it's being discussed everywhere). yikes ipad Pro ad
  15. just as driving a car is for everyone who can afford a car (& has a license!), or home ownership is for... etc etc etc 🙄
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