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Geoff J

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  1. Reading about major incompatibility issues with pro 9. If not resolved, ill just beat up on GB till i have the bread for Log X
  2. I've actually discoverd this on accident, but i lost my notes on the math theory on how i arrived at it. I came to the same conclusion, but not quite as simple I wanted to compose in MIDI in 12/8, but with the "four" feel, because it's easier to work in triplets w/12/8 in MIDI So somehow, and i forget how I did it, I multiplied the 4/4 tempo (say 40 bmps) times 3 - so 120 bpms, then i divided it in by 2 , so 60 bpms in 12/8 = 40 bpms in 4/4 which is really the same thing as you're saying. THIS IS THE ISSUE - how does one arrive at the conclusion as to WHY 12/8 is 1.5 times faster than 4/4 ? I actually figured it out before, but i forgot now - really sad Is it this maybe ? 12/4 is 3 times as LONG as 4/4, so 12/8 is 1.5 shorter than 4/4??
  3. To reiterate : Effin' SOLV-D !!! P.S. Is it a directive here to edit our own thread title as "[sOLVED]" once it's solved ?
  4. Totally got ya -I just thought that they were different tones in the same way GM level 1 has a snare drum 1 & a sanre drum 2
  5. I just found a GM2 page http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_MIDI_Level_2 It says, "Drum sounds These are the same patch numbers as defined in GS. Drum bank is accessed by setting cc#0 (Bank Select MSB) to 120 and cc#32 (Bank Select LSB) to 0 and PC (Program Change) to select drum kit. 25 Electronic Kit - emulations of various electronic drum machines" Is there a way I can get that kit via the same method ? Not sure how to set those parameters in Logic
  6. YES !!! U-DA_MAN ! thx. So whoever gets this file, the MIDI I send them is dependent on their sounds. This track is sposda have an electronic bass drum & snare sound, but I don't see that available as a GM - so I am guessing that they can take this file, then dump it into their DAW, and then assign their own sounds ?? I ask, because there's no way our LOgic sounds can be reproduced in another DAW, it wouldn't make sense
  7. Okay, getting warmer - finally getting drum sounds - not getting kick - thanks for the help. I'll see what else I can get goin w/that GM code
  8. Okay,, I tried that. When I typed in 10 on one oft the notes below the initial program row , it changed the Program value to Ch. 16, then all the rest to Ch. 7's ? Same thing when I clicked on any other note value
  9. ahhh, ok - light bulbs !! so I have to manually go into each one ? Or should I have known this ahead of time, assigned the channel/GM/PC, and then copy/pasted those entries, built regions, and then copy/pasted regions in the ifrst place ?
  10. Okay, per the wikipedia GM code, I assigned the Kick drum to Channel 10 & selected instrument 35 (even though it reads as fretless bass) for GM kick drum, but am still getting grand piano on the export. I lathered, rinsed, & repeated all of the steps in the manual I nudged the track over 1 tick, and inserted the PC to no avail so far
  11. I guess I'm lost by what you mean by creating an external MIDI track. All I have is a keyboard controller, but I need the Logic software instruments to get sounds out of it . Researching it now: https://www.google.com/webhp?hl=en&tab=ww#hl=en&sclient=psy-ab&q=create+external+midi+track+logic&oq=%22external+MIDI+track%22&gs_l=hp.1.1.0i30j0i5i30l2.1757.9260.0.13881.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&fp=77234251ae1acae3&biw=1436&bih=725 The GM code on wikipedia is helpful
  12. Not too clear on this. Do you mean create a new MIDI track for each software instrument WITHIN the same File, so that there will be two (2) of each, and then assign the program change events to the copies ? THis was more understandable, but I def need the names so when the client dumps it in Cakewalk, and if there are any probs, he'll know whioch instr. is which I tried this, and now I can see why it defaults to grand piano: http://www2.picturepush.com/photo/a/8931525/220/8931525.png When I added a "1" in the "Val" section, I saw how it changed to another instr. However, How do I know whichc number to enter to get the drum sounds I want ? Is it trial & error ? Do I have to click on each number until I eventually find it ?
  13. David, The inspector does not leave me the "program" checkbox ??? What gives ?
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