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Tom Breed

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  1. For example, I have 50 channels in my project, but I want to lower the volume of them all by 5db. Is there a patch or anything that does that besides Latch/Trim/Drag? Thanks
  2. Thanks for replying; I'm importing long files (45-60 minutes worth of audio) as well as short files (10-15 seconds) into a project, and the overview just doesn't load. I checked the loading time; some say like, 2 minutes, but just hang and don't load.
  3. Hey all, looked all over the internet and searched this, my favorite, forum, and found nothing on this. Suddenly, my project files aren't showing the waveform overviews. It's really slowing my workflow down and I don't know what to do. -I've tried deleting files that aren't in use to not bog down my system -I've tried refreshing the overviews via the media browser Any ideas? Thanks
  4. Hey all, I am running Logic Pro X and editing a podcast. While listening back, there are clicks and pops - but when I rewind to try and catch them, they're gone. Upon reviewing the waveforms, there are no pops. So this must be a playback issue. Must be a setting somewhere, or something? Or maybe this is a bug? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  5. How do I get the prompt "Do you want to move/copy the automation?" back? I clicked "Don't ask me again" or whatever, but need it back now. Thanks!
  6. When I activate low latency recording mode, it disables my buses. Any way to disable this feature? Thanks!
  7. Semi - related - possibly When I activate low latency mode, my buses stop working - any way to counter that? Entirely unrelated but as long as I'm here: How do I get the prompt "Do you want to move/copy the automation?" back? Thanks!
  8. Two questions I hope somebody can help me with: 1. What is D-Mode? 2. I'm installing the "Complete Sound Library" which I've never done before - how can I know what I am adding and am stupid excited about?
  9. Hmmm. Don't have Logic in front of me, but try this: I would think it would have to do with a legato setting in the synth itself. Experiment with the ASDR as well.. probably the D to get the right sound before the hammer on/pull off. Then, have notes OVERLAP -- so like first note goes from 1.1=>1.5, second note goes from 1.4=>2.1 - this will make the second note "interrupt" the first note and with the legato setting would get the sound of something LIKE a hammer on/pull off. Of course, with these settings, you cannot play chords, so keep that in mind. Good luck, let me know how if that helps!
  10. I couldn't find this on Google or here, so forgive me if it's been asked! In Logic 9, when I press space, the playhead jumps back a few milliseconds. I want it to play EXACTLY where the playhead is, or where I place the marquee cursor. How do I adjust this? Thank you!
  11. Woops, I actually have all the latest stuff. Forgot to update
  12. I seem to have found at least a temporary fix: Changing my I/O Buffer settings from 64 to 128 or 256. Annoying little glitch; I've never had to had my buffer rate that high before. Anybody know what thats about? Or a better fix? Thanks again!
  13. Playing around with Alchemy, and other synths, since updating to 10.2 has been fun - except for the fact that whenever I play a note, it is accompanied by some terrible static. It sounds like it's clipping (it's not, at all) or like there's a random static through all the sounds. When I bounce the sounds, however, the static is gone. Did not have this problem in previous versions. Some other details: -I just checked one of my old project files that has tons of software instruments in it (at least 20 tracks) - no sign of the static. -When I add an Alchemy track to this project file, that track has the "static sound." None of the other tracks have it -When I make a new project file, every software instrument track has static in it. -SOMETIMES, when I turn the Alchemy plugin OFF, the static disappears from other tracks. I cannot reproduce this 100% of the time. -When I bounce the track, there no sign of the static. I have tried -Low latency mode -Restarting the computer -Looking through other project files for sign of the static -Switching from I/O Buffer of 64 to 32 made it worse; from 64 to 128 seems to have made it better. TL;DR: Synths, during live playback, have static running through them. Upon bouncing the static is gone. Did not have this problem in previous versions. Is there a setting I need to change? This is quite annoying Thanks! EDIT: I am editing this post as I gather more information. EDIT 2: TEMPORARY FIX Switching from I/O Buffer of 64 to 32 made it worse; from 64 to 128 seems to have made it better.
  14. Hey all, apologies if this question has been asked before. I did a search and did not find an answer. Trying to downsample a 70 track 96kHz project to 44kHz. Obviously changing the project settings just makes things all slow and all that. Is there another way to do this in Logic 9? Thanks!
  15. Woops, I even read this when I first registered a few months ago! All fixed. Apologies. This did not work, but thanks.
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