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  1. No problem, glad to help! I faced the same problem too when I first upgraded and was frustrated beyond belief as well. I don't know exactly how or why it works and I've never fiddled with that option before either... I just found the solution here on this forum and it worked. Haha yeah it's unbelievable that they put that option as some kind of default after upgrade. Thanks a lot again
  2. Go to Logic/Preferences/Audio/Multihreading. Switch between "Playback and Live Tracks" and "Playback Tracks". Thanks a thousand times for showing me this. I had no idea about this option. So pb live must have become the default setting after upgrading? I dunno, but anyways it seems to work now so I am very happy
  3. After having updated to Mojave i get cpu overload every time i play. I did not get cpu overload before having upgraded. I had to update my computer because I need to use the latest versions of xcode and ios simulator. This is very sad. I have turned off pretty much every plugin in my projects to see how it performs and I still get cpu overload. Before updating I could run heavy plugins, such as analog tape emulators and tons of analog compressors or whatever, but now it overloads without plugins on the tracks.
  4. Don't. Wow, I did not think that it would work without cabling but it did!!! thanks a lot Dave and have a nice day!!
  5. I have cabled the input from IAC bus into my software track. I can see the CC values in the environment, but they doesn't get recorded. I should say that I am not using external controller assignments; I am generating midi cc values in SuperCollider, and I want these values to be recorded to automation lanes
  6. Hi there, Could somebody please tell me how I record an incoming midi cc message over the IAC bus 1 to a software track? cheers, // hjalmar
  7. Okay so now I have looked into it a bit deeper, and it works! thanks for making me go over the code once more!!!!!!!!!! One state variable was incorrect....
  8. Allright. If you say that you think it should work with stateflags, then I will take a closer look at my state flags. I have been pretty thourough but it doesn't hurt to go over it again. I will get back again if I don't get the flags to work. And also tell what my solution is...
  9. Hmmm, now that I am thinking about it I am not 100% sure what my question was, but my problem is that when I call UpdatePluginParameters from ParameterChanged, then an infinite loop starts which I don't know how to overcome
  10. Hi there everybody, I have a question about the scripter again. I have two functions func A and func B. I call func B from func A, and at the end of func B I call UpdatePluginParameters(); When I do this an infinite loop starts. I don't understand why this is?!?!? A weird thing is also that in the console I can see that it keeps tracing from both functions A and B respectively which I interpret as there being some kind of infinite loop calling A and then B, and this goes on forever. Is anyone familliar with this problem or has any idea what I might have done wrong? I am assuming that I can call UpdatePluginParameters from inside another function?? This is what shows in the console: traceFromA traceFromB traceFromA traceFromB traceFromA traceFromB ... ... // hjalle
  11. Hi again everybody, Does anyone know if there is a location on the mac where plugin informations is stored in eg. a .plist file? Thanks, // hjalle
  12. Allright, thanks again Dewdman42! Then I'm gonna try to figure out a way of getting around this problem. Follow up question: Do you know if there is a location on the mac computer where I can find all of the plugin parameters in a plist file maybe? I am building a scripter plugin which depends on "which plugins I am using further down the signal chain" and therefore it would be nice if I could collect all plugin parameters from eg. a plist, and then pipe them into the EventTypes.js file so that I can select which plugin I am targeting and parameter from a drop down…
  13. I would recommend against hacking the project files. Logic doesn't have a great track record of file corruption even when operating clean out of the box. If you were to start granularly changing data in the project files the results would be precarious at best. Yeah dude I totally understand what you're saying. When I use the word hacking in this sense I mean exploring every possibility that there is to use scripts to automate stuff and what not but you're probably right that it can be a dangerous thing to do to start messing around too much.
  14. Do you remember if Reaper has articulation IDs??? Hah, yeah I know what you mean. I only use key commands, and the worst thing is that I have pretty much changed every key command in logic away from its default so I need to save my key-commands, cuz if I work on somebody elses computer I feel completely disabled. logic pro key commands is also another thing that it would be nice if we as users could customize and build ourselves. I actually find that logic lacks many convenient key commands but whatever…they're not gonna add them anyways If I become rich one day, then Im gonna start developing my own DAW
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