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  1. AutoHotKey, a scripting environment for Windows with more or less complete control over your os. It is super fun, I recommend that rabbit hole.
  2. I hope this is not out of line to post here (the free stuff is back too obv): Decided to re-open the scripts for purchase with the caveat that support is slower and development is currently halted. Knock yourselves out
  3. This x1000. The sendAfterMilliseconds is very finicky and often the cause of hung notes in scripter imo. I have avoided using it at all in my later scripts and instead made manual timer objects with getDate, a super clunky workaround but infinitely more reliable. * Other than this referencing/importing external .js to avoid having to have the same code over and over again * Much more flexible GUI, I am looking to AHK as an example of simple but still totally customize-able gui for similar type home-grown coding environment.
  4. I am getting around to replying to everyone who has contacted me in 2019 this week. I honestly did not believe the demand was as big as it is. Give me the week and I'll get back in one form or another.
  5. could you post the script so we can look? if not, I'd make the created random number a property of the note event itself and add a method to the Note object that traces said property. Alternatively prototype displaying the property to the built in .trace method in the Note (or actually Event) object. But all this might be way too complicated depending on what you are trying to do.
  6. Is there a good way to contact you? I tried sending you an email through your website but I'm not sure it's getting through. I'm interested in commissioning a script from you. Thanks. Paul paulcristo@gmail.com I saw it. Will reply later today.
  7. I do both bespoke and free scrips depending on mood and am always available for questions. Do the basic w3schools JavaScript tutorial and have a basic sense of logical thinking and you will be fine
  8. Hi guys, I haven't really checked if this is doable with the built in tools (I tend to use scripter for everything) but I accidentally came up with this when working on a song and messing with art in real time. Basically it is a keyboard split for different articulations depending on pitch. There is no failsafe for dummies so if you set conflicting zones you reap what you sow Set the number of zones in ...wait for it.... numberOfZones. Enjoy or toss: // Articulation ID Zones // copyright codecave sthlm, 2018 // written by A. Enhardt 2018-02-03 var PluginParameters = [], numberOfZones = 3; Note.prototype.determineArtID = function() { var noID = true; for (var i = 2; i <= numberOfZones + 1; i += 2) { if (this.pitch <= GetParameter(i)) { this.articulationID = GetParameter(i - 1); noID = false; } } if (noID) { this.articulationID = GetParameter((numberOfZones + 2)); } } function numberStrings(howMany) { var arr = []; for (var i = 1; i <= howMany; i++) { arr.push(i.toString()); } return arr; } PluginParameters.push({ name: "Articulation Zones by <codecave sthlm>", type: "text" }) for (var i = 1; i <= numberOfZones; i++) { PluginParameters.push({ name: "Zone " + i + " articulation ID", type: "menu", valueStrings: numberStrings(16), minValue: 0, maxValue: 15, defaultValue: 0, numberOfSteps: 15 }); if (i !== numberOfZones) { PluginParameters.push({ name: "Zone " + i + " upper bound", type: "menu", valueStrings: MIDI._noteNames.map(function(x, i) { return i + " / " + x }), minValue: 0, maxValue: 127, defaultValue: i * 31, numberOfSteps: 127 }) } } function HandleMIDI(e) { if (e instanceof Note) { e.determineArtID(); } e.send(); }
  9. EventTypes.js did contain a Fader "class" or object if you so will. This is not a legend, it is a fact. I tried using it but it never "did" anything for me. I think of it a little as U2's Songs of Innocence.
  10. By using require for the EventTypes and some dummy functions I can emulate a lot of functionality without ever running Logic but obv only to a certain point. I find it much easier and inspiring to code in VSC or Atom than copy/pasting into scripter back and forth
  11. I ran the whole EventTypes.js in Visual Studio Code (with the code runner extension) and added the last three lines of code + hit 'run code'
  12. You may be right and I am mis-remembering, many a script has been written since I stumbled over this. I'll test and report back. If I am wrong I apologize in advance for yapping on about a moot point. Just tested some, it seems I was wrong all along, sorry.
  13. IDK about semantic difference. I do know that this is hosted in an application for people that are generally reluctant to update OS and DAW. I have decided not to use ES6 or newer stuff like "momentary" on account of being too lazy to make multiple versions of everything. I say go with whichever solution that is more legacy-y. Also I am upp for the GitHub geekfest
  14. You may be right and I am mis-remembering, many a script has been written since I stumbled over this. I'll test and report back. If I am wrong I apologize in advance for yapping on about a moot point.
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