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des99 last won the day on April 30

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  1. Basically, make a thousand mixes, and over that time, assuming your putting in the effort and trying to do you best and learn as you go, your mixes will get 1000% better. There aren't really any shortcuts for skill building, no matter how cool our toys and tools are. It's a life skill. Sorry, I know people find those responses unsatisfying... But yes, evaluate and listen to your mixes on your phone, your laptop, in the car, various headphones, and note problems, and tweak your mixes a little to address those. If that sounds cumbersome, well, as you build skills, you'll likely need to use those references less as you will have built up the experience to kinda know how the problems that show up and will get better about mixing pre-emptively . But at the beginning, you need to reference the hell out of things and really understand the performance of your mixes, if you want them to get better.
  2. Once you get a monitor arm, having stands seems kinda old-fashioned and crude... 😉
  3. This is going back a way, but I vaguely remember that if your version was an upgrade, you had to enter the previous serial of the version you upgraded from in order to qualify the upgrade. I can have a look at my installation, as my XSkey still auths Logic just fine and I use it to convert legacy Logic projects all the time. What did you upgrade to Logic 7 from?
  4. You can still get crash reports, you just have to get crash reports of the macOS process running the plugins (eg AUHostingService), because crashing plugins no longer crash Logic (that's kinda the point! 😉)
  5. No, it's not that straightforward unfortunately - which is *why* it isn't displayed currently (the devs are not being deliberately vague just for fun!). The problem is the plugins are being run by macOS in another process outside of Logic (on Apple silicon at least), and there is no way currently for Logic to know what crashed over there in that other part of macOS. Hopefully future versions of Logic/macOS will allow the communication of the crashed plugin, to make it easier to diagnose.
  6. So you have something plugged into the ADAT port of the Scarlett. Which of the 18 or 20 channels of I/O of the Scarlett are the 8 inputs on? If you select one of those inputs on your recording track, that's where your ADAT signal will be (depending on what channels you're using etc). My guess is it's probably inputs 11-18, or at least among the last batch of available inputs.
  7. You import them into Logic by dragging them onto a track, or using the File -> Import MIDIfile menu option. You can drag them from Finder, or use the "All Files" browser to navigate to the folder that contains MIDI files and drag them from there... I assume you've already unpacked the download so you can see the MIDIfiles?
  8. Yep, and they could be in any insert on any track, so you have to replicate those exponentially for all possibilities - this is *stonkingly* bad UX. 🙂 Often, a convention in software is to target ("select") an object first, and then apply a command to that object - ie, we don'e have to have 1000 individual mute key commands for each track, we have one track mute command, and apply it to a track selection. But this use case is limited too - so we have buttons on the actual track which have an implicit "this mute button is for this track", and this is something that can't practically be done by key commands, due to the variable nature of them. It makes no sense to implement key commands for "Bounce from Output 1&2", "Bounce from Output 3&4" etc, especially as the developers have no idea of how many outputs you will have on your system to create key commands for. Maybe you've just got two outputs, maybe you've got 128... These kinds of key commands work fine with static, constrained items, like menu entries, but they don't work for dynamic/variable items. There is no direct independent key command for "Run MIDI transform on the 69th MIDI region on track 84" - instead, we select the item, and trigger the generilsed key command for "Run MIDI transform on this", and that's exactly the same concept for the mute/solo/bounce buttons on tracks, and many other concepts in Logic (and software in general). Anyway, somewhat of a digression... 😉
  9. Hmm, I tried it in 10.8.1 and I saw the same behaviour as @ed_soundrays described - the grouped VCA faders stayed individual, when I move one VCA fader in a group of two, only that fader moves, and only the channels it controls are affected. In short, grouping doesn't work for me on VCA faders. Edit: False alarm - I didn't have Options -> "Enable Groups" ticked - with that on, it works as expected. ☺️
  10. Generally no, because the button on a channel is saying "bounce *this* channel" and you might have hundreds of tracks - it's impractical to have individual key commands for "Bounce from channel 1", "Bounce from channel 2"... "Bounce from channel N" etc. You can reliably tie this to track selection either, as you may have multiple channels selected. So a button it is, with the key command dedicated to always bouncing from the main stereo mix, which is usually what's required anyway.
  11. It depends on what that track contained. If there were differences between channels (even small), then it's stereo, and whether you leave stereo, sum to mono, or choose just one side will all sound different. If you have a dual-channel audio file that contains the same signal in both sides, it's just two copies of a mono channel. Picking the left or right side will sound identical, and leaving the track stereo or summing to mono will all make the track sound the same but louder. Also remember that on a mono track, the pan knob pans that mono channel within the stereo field of your mix. With a stereo track, the knob (by default, though it can be changed) is no longer a "pan" knob, it's a balance control, which just affects the volume on the left or right sides - this is different to panning a mono track. So there are lots of differences going on here, and it's good to understand what's going on and make appropriate decisions.
  12. GForce Oberheim DMX Presets from the classic drum machine plugin. gf_dmx.zip Instructions: Once unpacked, Copy the "Factory" folder to ~/Library/Audio/Presets/GForce/DMX/ (that's the Library folder in your home directory) Index to this thread by Type / Manufacturer / Plugin: Third-party Patches Index
  13. The hacker in me now kinda wants to try other command ID's to see whether they do anything... 😁 I mean - why 1273 and 1272? Do the previous 1271 ID's do something? Or do the codes mean something specific..? Are there other secret incantations that do sneaky things? Curious...
  14. The world of video is complex, and Logic is not designed to playback all video formats, containers, encoding schemes and so on, as they are not all equal in terms of performance and requirements. It's best to use a video tool to convert them to a simple, light playback format that Logic can easily play without taxing the system too much. Do you *really* need to playback *4K video* to score music alongside? I'd recommend to convert to a smaller easier format and resolution, do your music, then combine the original movie with whatever new audio you're doing in a video editor, which is the appropriate tool for working with video.
  15. I guess it's something they hard coded in for the purposes of the tutorials - in the link on the next arrow, you'll see the ID in the html link: (Befehl = "command" in German) The ID 1273 = next slide, 1272 = previous slide, in the same tutorial project I don't know whether this means you could create your own tutorial projects. Interesting that they have a style sheet that each HTML tutorial page references for layout.
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