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des99 last won the day on May 7

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  1. Magic 8 Ball says: “Ask again later…”
  2. But… this one goes to 11… It’s ‘1’ louder…
  3. Logic should display the name of missing plugins, because it saves the name in the project file, partly exactly so it can show the name if the plugin is not installed. What happens if you click-hold on the plugin menu opener on that insert - the name should be displayed at the top too. If you're not sure, can you post a screen grab of what you see?
  4. I find Sonoma much better than Ventura, personally. No Kontakt problems here either.
  5. FCP and Logic used the exact same Apple Pro dark colour scheme, so FCPX also lightened up over time compared to the early versions of version 10. Although back then FCPX looked better in that colour scheme than Logic did, imo, it was a bit more elegant. When they lightened them up, and made them flatter, it was a mixed-bag imo.
  6. Logic 10.0 "If you're used to previous versions of Logic, I think it's fair to say that you might be in for a bit of a shock the first time you see Logic Pro X's new user interface. It's certainly not 'GarageBand Pro', as many users feared, but Apple have clearly taken ideas from Logic Pro, GarageBand and Final Cut Pro X and fused them together to create a modern look. The result is incredibly dark, even compared with other music software, and a part of me misses the appearance of Logic 9, where function areas were light and contrasted well with the darker editing areas." https://www.soundonsound.com/reviews/apple-logic-pro-x Sounds like you missed the early days of Logic 10 then... 😉 The interface changes I'm talking about happened quite a bit before Logic 10.4.x, and it's been more or less stable since then.
  7. He's talking about the early versions of 10, which were quite dark, and so they lightened 10 up along the way because of that feedback. Not related to 11, which as far as I can see, is unchanged from 10.8.x.
  8. They lightened it up because they got a *lot* of user feedback that people hated it...
  9. It doesn't need to look different for every update, it just needs to get better. They haven't changed how Logic looks or works, so that stuff will be essentially the same. The marketing images will be accurate, Apple don't mess up with that stuff.
  10. I was literally watching the live event when I saw David's post... I'm more interested in Logic 11 than iPads, so it's paused half way through and has been for a while now... 😉
  11. I think most of us look at the big shiny things and go, "Oh, OK, cool I guess" but we're often more interested in the minutiae of the update notes... 😉 Don't be quick to judge, there's often a lot more improvements than the tent pole marketing upgrade features.
  12. Um... Yeah, scr*w that guy! ☺️
  13. No, *future* fisherking is running LP11.
  14. Thanks - I'll do what I'm doing then, keeping the h2ps for the internal patch browser, and having aupreset copies for Logic. 👍 Now we just need Logic's preset browser to get good... *tap fingers*
  15. Yeah I know. It's not the end of the world - it is what it is for now - we can always go again next year, or do a different poll later on. It was really to get a flavour of where we are now, anyway...
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