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  1. Hello everyone. I am not a programmer, i have never used javascript or anything and i have a basic knowledge of how coding works. That said, I am trying to create a script to control the following: -note range -note octave it's basically the Key Range script, with an added option of choosing the octave to play (choosing between +1 which transposes +12 steps, +2 which transposes 24 steps, -1 which transposes -12 steps, and -2 which transposes -24 steps). So far i have gotten to this: ----------------------------------------------------------- var activeNotes = []; function HandleMIDI(event) { if (event instanceof NoteOn) { if (event.pitch > GetParameter('Maximum Pitch')) return undefined; // don't send if too high if (event.pitch < GetParameter('Minimum Pitch')) return undefined; // don't send if too low if (GetParameter('Octave') = 1) event.pitch=+12 if (GetParameter('Octave')=-1) event.pitch=-12 if (GetParameter('Octave')=2) event.pitch=+24 if (GetParameter('Octave')=-2) event.pitch=-24 if (GetParameter('Octave')=0) event.pitch=0 else { activeNotes.push(event); event.send() } } else if (event instanceof NoteOff) { for (i=0; i < activeNotes.length; i++) { if (event.pitch == activeNotes.pitch) { event.send(); activeNotes.splice(i,1); break; } } } else { // pass non-note events through event.send(); } } var PluginParameters = [ { name:"Octave", defaultValue:0, minValue:-2, maxValue:2, numberOfSteps:4,type:'lin'}, { name:'Maximum Pitch', type:'lin', minValue:0, maxValue:127, numberOfSteps:127, defaultValue:115}, { name:'Minimum Pitch', type:'lin', minValue:0, maxValue:127, numberOfSteps:127, defaultValue:30} ]; ----------------------------------------------- this gives me the octave slider in the UI, but when i run the script and play a note, it returns an error and i don't understand what happens. Any input? THAAAAANKS
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