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Dan Updike

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  1. Thanks a lot Beej! This was bugging me for the longest time and your solution fixed it!
  2. I had a similar problem related to this post involving not being able to launch Logic 10.2 after a content update until after creating a new admin account. Thank you very much for that suggestion Eric. I did not want to have to use this new account to run Logic, so I decided to see what may be the difference between the two accounts. Under the new admin account: "/Users/logicadmin/Library/Application Support/Logic" I found the following files: drwxr-xr-x 4 logicadmin staff 136 Sep 6 11:26 . drwx------+ 14 logicadmin staff 476 Sep 6 11:15 .. -rw------- 1 logicadmin staff 49152 Sep 6 11:26 .Alchemy_Preset_Ratings_And_Tags.db.swp -rw-r--r-- 1 logicadmin staff 44032 Sep 5 10:16 Alchemy_Preset_Ratings_And_Tags.db The directory itself had the following permissions: drwxr-xr-x 4 logicadmin staff 136 Sep 6 11:26 Logic In the same directory under my existing account I found a single file called "Logic" with the following permissions: -r--r--r--@ 1 10867355 wheel 0 Jan 31 2009 Logic I deleted the file because it looked to have a size of zero and only read permissions, owned by some account called "wheel". macDaddy:Application Support danupdike$ rm Logic override r--r--r-- 10867355/wheel for Logic? y After the deletion of this file Logic was able to launch successfully from my original account. After successful launch it appears Logic was able to create the correct directory with the necessary content: dr-xr-xr-x 20 root admin 680 Sep 1 19:02 Logic
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