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  1. Hey!!! What a surprise I live in Chennai. If you are interested we can meet up. Email me your Contact details to goldsmth@outlook.com. We can be in touch
  2. Thank you so much Volovicg... Love from India:)
  3. Thank you so much volovicg for your help. But when the region is already selected, the toggling option doesn't work (i.e) After using the shortcut I have to select another nearby region on the track to select the current track on region selection, for this instead of selecting a nearby region to select the track I can manually click on the track. Also using this key command to and fro makes inconvenienced. I'm bit confused whether I do it in the right order. Thanks
  4. Hey, Please guide me how I can select the track on region selection with a key command. Can anyone tell me this shortcut? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  5. Thanks Jordi, I use Omnisphere (2.0.3d) on Logic Pro 10.3. 2 and El capitan 10.11.3
  6. I use Omni 2.0.3d. When I reload a song that had patches (multi) loaded in Logic, my omnisphere instances are showing up completely blank! I've lost all my loaded patches (multi). Now I'm scared to open past projects as I dont know if they will actually load correctly! Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  7. Guys, Anybody, please guide me to select custom notes instead of selecting the whole major scale notes in the scale quantize available in piano roll editor.
  8. Include Volume and automation checked Include Automation checked Include Volume and automation is unchecked
  9. The same problem happens also in BOUNCE TRACK IN PLACE. I use Logic Pro 10.3.2
  10. The exported audio files in the finder window automatically disappearing. Tracks are disappearing While exporting all Tracks as audio file (cmd+e) only when I check the Include Volume and automation. But If I uncheck the Include Volume and automation While exporting all Tracks as audio file (cmd+e), everything exported fine without including the automation. Please guide me to export all Tracks as audio file (cmd+e) by including Volume and automation in the file.
  11. I use Logic v.10.3.2
  12. Ive just downloaded the Izotope Vinyl pulgin from their website. I use that plugin in my track to use for Old radio effect. I wish to automate the effect in a region to gradually start and end the effect. Please guide me
  13. I usually use to record in logic using the tones from my Kurzweil keyboard. There could be a large number of the external midi tracks in the session. Each time when I record an external midi instrument, I need to go through real-time bounce to record next external midi track. Also if I edit the external midi track which I already bounced, I need to redo the bounce process once again. It takes a lot of time. Any way to bounce in place the external midi track or else anyway other than real-time bounce which I can go to next track without real-time bounce. Please guide me
  14. Thank you Thank you Thank you so much, David Nahmani & Eric Cardenas This Thread really helped me!!!!!!!!
  15. The automation in the ORIGINAL TRACK hasn't exported. Please check if I'm doing anything wrong. I've attached the screenshot of my steps which I do. You can see that I imported the track and renamed EXPORTED TRACK (volume automation is not exported)
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