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  1. I quite like the idea of planning the song in stages. Tracking and edit. Then export to a template to mix. I think the song would be finished before the tracking is done. There is a tendency with computers to make it up as you go along, rather than have a clear idea before you start
  2. Hmmmmm ok. I went to PureMix and they had Fab DuPont and Andrew Scheps doing videos where have a bus mix - not that I understood it - then they do sub mixes from that. They put side chain compression on to the bus tracks. ....I'll stop there because as I say I don't really know what I'm talking about. I'll put a link in below https://www.puremix.net/video/fab-dupont-mixing-template.html
  3. Hey thanks for your post. That's what I have been doing, but professionals seem to use a mix bus template
  4. Hello Everyone Apologies if you have heard this one before, this is my first post, I have tried to find the answers but it just gets me more confused. So, when you record in Logic do you simply open up logic, select an analog track and record what ever it is your recording- and then keep doing this till you have finished all the parts and then edit the files and then import them into a mix templat. Or Do you record directly into your mix template, edit and then start mixing. Thank you for any light you can pass this way into the gloom.
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