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  1. I'm using version 10.4.1 Is the file tempo editor very difficult to use or am I missing something? I imported an audio file with inconsistent tempo into Logic and used "adapt project tempo to region tempo and align to downbeat" so that the grid would line up with the audio. It got a few things wrong so I'm trying to correct them in the file tempo editor and I'm having a very hard time doing so. First of all, in the editor, when I zoom in with my trackpad, it NEVER zooms in on where my playhead actually is. Also, when I'm playing the audio through the editor, I'm not sure how to pause it without playing the project. I try to pause by hitting space but this does the same thing as hitting play in the arrangement window. Then I have to hit space again to pause that. What's extra frustrating about this is when I hit space the first time, the playhead in the EDITOR jumps to where the playhead is in the arrangement window. Then after I hit space again, the playhead in the EDITOR does not jump back to where I had carefully placed it. I really hope there's something I'm missing that will make this easier because right now it's giving me a headache. If I could, I would correct the tempo via the Beat Mapping feature, which I'm very familiar with, but making an edit there gets rid of all the tempo data.
  2. I have recorded automation onto a track, but I have decided it is not extreme enough. How can I can I amplify the whole automation curve? In other words, how can I multiply all the automation values on the track by a certain amount. Extra information: The parameter I am automating can be set as low as -6 and as high as +6, with 0 right in the center of the lane. My curve is far from reaching those extremities so I have room to work with.
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