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  1. A virtual snare microphone would pick up all the sound coming off a snare. That would not yield control of the sidestick sample volume, which is always too loud in relation to the head/rimshot samples.
  2. I cannot find a control for this. Does it exist?
  3. Thanks for the tip, but that's not the problem. I actually haven't been able to file a bug report, because I can't isolate the problem; to me as a user, it seems random as to what exactly I can cut out of the script, and still have the delay present. The bug hasn't presented itself in any scripts I've written since then.
  4. I'm inexperienced with program changes, unfortunately. I've typically just used GUI and let Logic or MainStage do that work for me invisibly. Good luck, but if it's unsolveable, please file a radar.
  5. You don't need to denote numberOfSteps for a menu. Your HandleMIDI function isn't doing anything other than tracing events. It looks to me like all you're trying to do is change programs when you make a menu selection; is that not happening? This is the way I'd do what I think you're trying to do: programs = [ {name: 'Warm Bass', number: 47}, {name: 'Cool Bass', number: 48}, {name: 'Frozen Bass', number: 49} ]; PluginParameters = [{name: 'Program', type: 'menu', valueStrings: programs.map(function(program) { return program.name; }) }]; function ParameterChanged(index, value) { var programChange = new ProgramChange; programChange.number = programs[value].number; programChange.send(); }
  6. Thanks! My Saffire works again! The solution I posted regarding polyfilling Array.prototype.find also works; we had to do it for my wife's Mavericks-running computer so she could play our new drum kit.
  7. The find function is new, which boggles my mind; I am also new to JavaScript, and don't understand how it could have taken so long to be included. Your error could indicate that you don't have as new of a version of Logic (10.0.7)/MainStage (3.0.4)as I have, but I'm thinking it's more likely that I'm running the Yosemite beta*, and you're not. Is that true? Mozilla has been kind enough to provide a workaround; for older JavaScript engines. If you're getting the error, or want your plugin to have maximum compatibility, you can still use find, but you just have to define it yourself. To do so, copy the whole snippet under Polyfill, paste it into the Scripter editor, and recompile/run the script. Let me know how that works out for you. * Yosemite beta 5 has been solid for me, except for the fact that Focusrite's FireWire interface drivers don't work with it, and I use one of those. My wife and I swapped; hers is USB (still Focusrite) and works fine, because it requires no driver. I did log a bug with Apple, but they said it was Focusrite's problem, and contacted Focusrite about it for me. I hope they get on the ball, because otherwise my Saffire is a paperweight. My wife is good for now with it, because she's still running Mavericks.
  8. It turns out that the delay only exists if you use Scripter's Note objects; if you just need to transform a note or controller, that's fine. You just can't convert between types without a delay; I'll log a bug about it. Attached is a less generic, but totally functional updated remapper. DM7X generic.pst
  9. Based on my first test; I question whether Scripter is even usable for live performance.
  10. I just wrote my first Scripter plugin. Unfiltered notes come through fine, but there's a delay on the filtered ones that makes them unusable for live use. I haven't tested what happens with playback yet. Please let me know if you know if this is solvable, or if I should file a bug. Remapper.pst 1-line instructions included in script.
  11. Thanks! I'm excited to learn the API and get something up there. However, I'm doing it primarily for MainStage; it might be good to rename the forum section to "Logic Pro & MainStage File Sharing" due to relevant compatibilities. I think it was my own fault that I missed the forum subsection entirely.
  12. It would be cool to share them; I can't find a reference to one.
  13. The Alesis DM7X module, that came with the otherwise excellent DM7X kit, is abysmal for serious MIDI work. For example, you can't change what notes are sent per-trigger. I'll switch to a ddrum DDTI when I get another trigger, but until then, I want a remapping solution that will translate between Logic and MainStage, and I don't want to have to route my MIDI through Logic. Is Scripter the only way to go? I like scripting, but would prefer a good GUI maintained by Apple. Modulator is great for remapping CCs; I'd like an equivalent for notes.
  14. Is there any alternative to the Antares product that allows audio to be "played" by MIDI note data? Vocoding is not what I'm after for this project.
  15. Tried that out, and it made everything flextime-stretched or -compressed. I'm not finding anything in the manual about how to combine beat mapping with Flex Time. I need to plug in a few tempo change events and use flex time to make the audio conform to it when it gets off, not leave the performance completely rubato.
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