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  1. Thank you so much skijumptoes! This interactive guide is very helpful. And thank you unto everyone. Your advice are helping me. I am editing my assignment.
  2. The Pickle Song? Hmm, that has a nice ring to it and sounds way better than what I was going to call it. Thanks again!
  3. Oh okay. I get it now. LOL! Thank you for your help. Yeah, he wanted us to write a 5 measure long song. I'm assuming next year, he's going to tell us to add more measures to it, as well as tell us what style and speed to use (which will be SUPER helpful!). Forgive me if I frustrated you any. I was looking at it and was concern that I might've accidentally changed key signatures. That's why I posted. I appreciate you for helping me out. Thank you!
  4. Um I see I wasn't very clear when I posted earlier. I'm sorry. Here is my draft along with my teacher's instructions: Homework: Write a song using only the C Major Scale. Your song should start and end on C, be 5 measures long, and needs to include a key signature. Do not worry about style or speed. 4/4 C Major Scale Draft 1 Instrument: 4 string Bass guitar 1. CEGC EGCbE GCEG 2. GC#CE EGGC CbEEG 3. EGCE GC#EG ECEG 4. C#ECE GEEG GCGCb 5. GCEG EGCbE CEGC EECC I would ask my teacher but they're on Christmas vacation and my assignment is due next year. Basically, I'm in a pickle.
  5. Those are the music chords for the song. Should I change them?
  6. Can a key signature have sharps and flats? I have been researching for weeks and I can't seem to find an answer to this question. My music teacher told me that for homework to write a song using the C Major scale. Here's a snippet: 1. CEGC EGCbE GCEG 2. GC#CE EGGC CbEEG 3. EGCE GC#EG ECEG 4. C#ECE GEEG GCGCb 5. GCEG EGCbE CEGC EECC I know that this is only my first draft but I really need help. I am seconds from shaving my hair and going balder than a bald eagle! Please help!!!!!!!!
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