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  1. Also the next sample that pops up after clicking ok is not located in dropbox
  2. How would I do this? I always back up my projects to dropbox by just copy pasting the project folder. Im talking about when I open a new project from template. so nothing on the popup list corresponds to the new project Why cant it just automatically choose the Samples folder logic automatically created when I made the DMD kits that are located in my finder each time
  3. Hey I have a custom Drum Machine Designer kit that I saved as a patch months ago to put in my template. The past few days I randomly started getting this pop up when I click on it, for every sample. Nothing has changed, i havent moved any files around etc.. The samples have always been saved in a folder logic create named "Samples" located in the the Patches folder in finder, and they still are
  4. How come some of my custom presets ive made just moved to this other folder?
  5. Hey is there a way to change the default track height? Whenever I add a new software instrument track I want it to be smaller to match the same of the rest of my tracks in my template
  6. Hey I click export all tracks as audio files and a bunch of the files disappear after the bounce is done
  7. I was watching the Ryan Tedder master class and he said he loves Logic but he's forced to use Pro Tools because the sound quality is better. He said he tried everything to match it in Logic even talking to Apple Logic support directly but couldnt find a fix to match the sound he gets in Pro Tools. I recently bought pro tools and I definitely hear what he's talking about but the workflow in Pro Tools for producing is terrible. Any thoughts/solutions for this or do different DAWs just sound different (ex: FL Studio drums are known to hit harder etc..)
  8. I thought relative automation was supposed to make changes to volume relative to whatever the fader is set to. So if I draw in -2db automation and my fader is set to -6db, ill get -8db . then if I change my fader to - 8db ill get -10db.
  9. Do you see the pics I attached? Are you guys saying this doesnt happen to you?
  10. I dont remember as it was a year ago. But either way im looking for a fix/work around for the most recent version
  11. Im always tweaking faders until the last stages of the song so I cant loose access to them. People say use a gain plugin but that so annoying to have to constantly be inserting it on 50+ tracks and the fidelity on it is very hard to use(subtle moves make big changes in volume) Also people say use relative automation but it doesnt work I still use access to the fader as you can see in the video(dropbox link) https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/03frwdgwzrni0ve4kgza5/IMG_1491.mov?rlkey=6nhsv078j94mha8i6yxh2npo6&dl=0
  12. I dont remember but why does that even matter? Are you guys saying its always been like this for you?
  13. Yea I just wish I could use the features of DMD like Knock, sub etc
  14. im always on the most recent version. Is there a fix to this??
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