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Tempo Problem - Reggae


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Hi All-


I recorded a song long ago, using a 1-drop rhythm, and now just had a friend with a studio record the drums for it. The drum track sounds great. The song clocks in at 76 BPM, using Logic's BPM utility plug-in. However- the original project was set at 120 (I knew nothing of setting the BPM correctly when I first recorded it). And now I don't have any tracks that I can "nudge" the timing on, as nothing lines up in Flex Time. I cannot use quantize either.


I've tried creating a new project and tapping the tempo, but it won't work- the song slows to a crawl until I adjust the tempo back to 120.


Any suggestion? Or am I doomed to start completely over?




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Probably, if your song is contained in a single audio region, you could simply stretch that region after setting the project tempo to 76.

Alternately, create a new empty project that you set the tempo to 76; and then upon importing the audio file, you deny adjusting the project's tempo to the imported audio's one, when Logic pops up the alert for same.

Or you could try SMPTE-lock the audio region, then change the project tempo (to 76), then BIP the locked region to the new tempo.


There could be other methods...

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Unfortunately, nothing I've tried is working. I can set the tempo on a new project to 76, import the drum track, and it plays just fine. But when I turn on Flex to adjust timing and line everything up to the grid, drum track slows was down. Any other suggestions?





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OK- So I SMTPE locked the region. Changed the tempo from 120 to 76. Bounced the locked region in place. So far, so good.. Then, I turned on Flex, so I can line it up to the grid. Now the drum track plays in super slow motion. In other words, no change. If anyone has any other ideas, please let me know. Or if you would like to give it a shot, here's a link to download the drum track. Drums come in at about 00:11.17.


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Another approach would be a little more convoluted.

It implies working on a copy of the original audio file, since it will alter the audio destructively. By destructively I don't mean it will destroy it, but instead it will perform edition that could not be undone. So, it would be wise to work on a copy of the file instead of risking to lose the original one...

-Make copy of your drums.wav file, and rename it (i.e. drumscopy.wav)

-Load drumscopy.wav in Logic.

-Open it in the Audio File editor, not to confuse with the Audio Track editor.

-From the Audio File editor's local menu, Choose Edit > Tempo > Remove Tempo Information from Audio File.

-Check in the Tempo list to make sure there are'nt any tempo changes recorded in the project. If any, delete them all, except for the first desired one at position 1 1 1 1.

-Then, follow the instructions described here.

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Look up beat mapping in the manual and online. It is too long to explain here, but there is plenty of tutorials and so on available online.


Also, check Edit>Tempo>Adjust Tempo using Region length and locators. And Show Beat Mapping Track.


Then you can use flex to tidy it up if necessary.

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Thank you Atlas for your help. I do not see Tempo > Remove Tempo in the Edit menu. Here's what I see in the Edit menu:


You are right! It seems that the published documentation needs to be updated...

However you will find the command in Logic main menu (above the top of the software window):

Logic Pro X > Edit > Tempo > Remove Tempo Information from Audio File.

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Just to clarify what i said:

It sounds like you are setting a tempo then trying to conform the audio to it. Whereas it should be the other way round. Use the audio to conform Logic's tempo to it (by beat mapping, or setting tempo to a region length of your choosing - but any real drummer will have tempo variations, which is why you set up a beat map, to follow those). Then the grid will align with the beats and you can adjust or quantise to your heart's content.

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Thanks Atlas, I did end up finding the command, it helped! I'm getting closer...


Maceasy, awesome, thank you. I'll learn beat mapping in Logic and see how that works out. I'll let you all know the results!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Guys, just want to say thanks for the excellent advice on this. It's turning out great! The cymbals are little bright in the mix, but getting really close. Take a listen to these results: https://soundcloud.com/bluekulele/forever-girl-pre-release/s-LoRpU


Thanks again!


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