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How to make Piano Roll link content but NOT song position?


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I'm probably being dense here, and not understanding something very basic, but would welcome being enlightened.


So I am on the Tracks/Arrange page, with an 8 bar section looped and playing, further along in to the song, and one of the midi tracks I want to edit, at that point is playing a loop of an original midi region.  I select the original midi region, which is earlier in the song, not inside the currently looped section.  I hit P to see the piano roll for that midi region.  To me, what else could this possibly mean other than "I want to see the piano roll for THIS midi region please". I don't CARE what the song position is, or where the locators are, I have specifically clicked a midi region and said I want to see the midi for it.  But what I get in the piano roll is a sort of "ghost" display of the midi, because it's trying to show me the loop of the midi region that is at the current song position. Which isn't editable, useful, or what I want.


Often you need to loop a certain section of the song, while editing the midi of a region that is playing at that point, but whose original is much earlier in the song.  Achieving this in Logic so far has defeated me! I think I've tried every combination of Catch and Follow, and just can't get the behaviour that I want.  How do you do this?  


Looking forward to my "doh" moment...

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To relieve the Piano Roll of its pesky need to follow the playhead, disable the Catch button. It's to the immediate left of the chain icon button (Link).


If you've done that, and Piano Roll still follows the playhead, left-click or control-click on the Piano Roll's Catch button and de-select "Catch when starting playback" and its less-likely-to-be-the-problem cohort, "Catch when moving playhead." 


Also, note that there are default settings for the Catch button in Preferences > General > Catch. These apply to all Catch buttons in all editing windows unless they are overridden in specific editors, as described above. 


If ever you're in Score and you want to edit an alias, there's a checkbox in Project Settings > Score > Allow Alias / Loop Editing. But aliases in Piano Roll still cannot be edited.

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  • 1 year later...

Hi, Logic used to do what you’re wanting.

I want this too!!

We miss how it used to behave.

I hope there is someone out there who understands and knows how to find a solution.

Specifically looped midi regions. If I use a short loop to run over the track and I want to edit, I have to scroll all the way back to the beginning f’in frustrating !

Pleeeease? Anyone?

Love, B

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