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Note repeat weirdness


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I'm exploring note repeat for creating on the fly drum macheen rolls but I'm getting some strange behavior.


1) when setting the mod wheel lower limit to 1/8th triplets, the note rate goes to straight 1/8th notes when responding to the mod wheel.


2) what I'm hearing when recording while jamming with NR isn't what I get on playback. I don't have input or region quantize enabled.

It just seems to be close but not quite what I played.


3) I usually like to cycle play a section and then capture midi when I play something that doesn't suck. Often I'll manually click the time line while playing to reset the take sonthst only the last pass is captured.


When NR is on, it never clears the previous passes, even after clicking to a new cursor location. Do I have to hit stop and start to clear the buffer?

I know the drum machine programming is based on layering but it seems like it should stop layering when the cursor is manually located.


Any other Note Repeat tips are appreciated. Thx!

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