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From FL Studio to Logic - Need help with DAW Configuration


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Hello everybody,


I'm switching from FL Studio to Logic and trying to configure it so that it fits my workflow. With the help topics and a bit of googling/YTvideos I've managed to set up a lot of handy things, however about a few things I haven't found answers.


Load single sample into EXS24: In Fl Studio I am used to often load an audiofile into the sampler, modify it inside the sampler and play it via pianoroll. When I play the middle C on my keyboard (C5 in Fl Studio, if I'm right C3 in Logic) it plays the sample at the original pitch, if I play lower keys obviously the sound becomes longer and the spectrum shifts downwards and when playing higher keys the opposite (so no stretching, formantkeeping or whatever). What is the quickest way to do this in Logic. Is there a way to click load sample, browse to the location and when you doubleclick it automatically is playable an the whole MIDI keyboard, behaving like I described? On the internet I only find videos about loading multiple samples (like synth libraries with each pitch rendered individually or various drumsamples that are spread across the keyboard). I'm not interested in that, I only want one audiofile on all keys that is pitched up or down according to the key I press.


Repeat Event/Region immediately after previous in pianoroll: When I press cmd+R selecting a shorter note in the pianoroll it repeats it one beat later. Is there a way to set that the repeated note is placed directly after the previous note? In the main arrangement screen somehow it seems to work but not in the pianoroll.


Playhead jump back to start at the end of arrangement playback: right now when I press play the playhead starts and keeps going further until i stop/pause and put it elsewhere or at the start by pressing enter. Is there a way to set that it automatically jumps back to bar 1 (and keeps playing from there) when no audio- or midiregions or whatever follow in the arrangement window without having to select the whole arrangement and activate the loop?


Set default MIDI channel in inspector: right now when I create an instrument track the input MIDI channel is set to All by default. I have some plugins (Korg M1, Omnisphere etc) that however only accept input at MIDI channel 1 (on which my MIDI keyboard sends). Is there a way to set it to 1 by default when creating a new track? Also some other controls in the track inspector like velocity would be handy to set differently by default.


Change all Key Commands: I have managed to change most of the key commands but some things like Copy, Paste and Cut seem to not allow changes. Am I doing something wrong or do I have to accept those as they are?

Btw, the Backspace key is linked to many deleting actions. Can I set another command for "delete selected region"? If so how is that called in Logic? I can't find it by typing those words into the key commands search bar.


Hope you can help me with some of those. Would be greatly appreciated and save me a lot of time.




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Okay those few key commands that can't be changed are pretty logical so I will get used to them quickly.


"Play from Last Locate Position" doesn't really do what I want. It makes the playhead jump back to it's original position whenever I hit pause. I want it to stay where it is when I pause but when it plays through the whole track without me pausing it should jump back to the start. I found out that switching on the loop and enabling "Auto Set Locators" makes it behave almost the way I want but also there when I pause it jumps back to the start. I'll work with the loop on now and if it should reveal as annoying I'll turn it off.


Thanks for your input! Hope someone can help me clarify also the other questions.

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