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telling the arpeggiator to stop


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Hello...this is kind of difficult for me to explain. Hopefully I can do it @_@


I have a piano track I made to work with the arpeggiator. Every other measure it has a series of stacked notes on it (a chord or tone cluster or whatever). During playback, the arpeggiator (in transpose mode with latch turned on) sees these note stacks, and arpeggiates them. Then after a half measure a new single note appears on the piano MIDI track, telling the arpeggiator to play that same arpeggiation at a different pitch. Another half measure goes by and a new note transposes the arpeggiation. And again. Then, a new note stack appears, giving the arpeggiator new notes. This new stack is re-pitched a few times. Etc.


Here's my problem: I want this piano track to stop entirely so I can do something else in my song. But the arpeggiaotr just keeps on going with its last assignment, and won't stop. Is there some way to put in a "stop" command, or something, so I can silence this track? I realize I can just press either the latch button or the play button on the arpeggiator during playback, but this doesn't help me when bouncing the track to a final mp3. In that case, with my current knowledge I'm stuck playing that last arpeggiation for all eternity.


Hope this was somewhat clear...thanks in advance.

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