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importing consolidated.caf files for 1shot


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I hope y'all don't mind a rookie question, but how do you "move" one multisample from one EXS24 drum kit to another? Let's say I liked the cowbell and Cabasa from the Latin Kit (because of the different tonalities at different velocities) but I wanted to export those to another EXS24 instrument, like the Snaps & Claps performance. Is there a way to drag-n-drop the whole cowbell or cabasa "group" from one EXS24 to the other?


What I've tried so far is dragging the Cowbell_consolidated.caf file from the Finder into the Edit window. What I get is a long continuous recording of different cowbell samples that doesn't play immediately. What I was expecting was multiple cowbell samples on one note that sound different at different velocities. (like they do in the Drum kit)


And when you do drag audio into the Edit window, does it go in the Zones column on the left OR in the main editing window?


I think I'm missing some simple but crucial step.


Thanks in advance

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