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Flex pitch bad


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Hello, I have two questions. While using flex pitch the track gets ruined by cracks, plops and glitches. When is the update coming to fix this? It’s a big problem and not workable. I hope it’s getting the update with the flex pitch very soon. I hope to hear from someone. Second is, is it better to use Melodyne 5 right now, does is work good with logic?
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i use flex pitch all the time, with only occasional issues; if, for example, a note is missing from the flex window... i'll bounce the file to disk, and use flex time on that... and this works. for small corrections, flex pitch works great. and i sometimes create harmonies with it; paired with a lead vocal, that works (maybe not solo'd, but in context, it's good).


i don't experience 'cracks, pops, glitches', so it would help to answer david's questions... and perhaps there's a solution for you.

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Hello David, thanks for the reply. It’s on a vocal track. And it’s not the only recording. I experienced it at more recordings. This song’s genre is a blues kind of ballad. I also had it on other vocal tracks with other pop songs. Sometimes it’s barely noticeable, only when the track is on solo. Most of the time it works great but if there are strange pops or cracks on the tracks I can do over the vocals or not do flex pitch. I checked more topics on this and I’m not the only one with this problem...
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To be fair, pick any car model and look online for that model and car problems and you'll find multiple problem reports. That doesn't necessarily mean there's a known widespread problem with the car and that the manufacturer should redesign the car.


Now Flex Pitch is not 100% perfect for all applications and it does sometimes work better than others; however it's been around for over 7 years and there is no planned update to fix any kind of well known widespread issue, so don't hold your breath for one.


Flex Pitch starts by analyzing the pitch of your recording before it can change it. If it has problems analyzing the pitch then it will create artifacts. Some recordings are easier to analyze than others. Noises don't have an easily discernable pitch and are hard to analyze. Consonants, breath noises, lip noises, but also growl or raspy parts of a performance can create those issues. That is why where one person will find that Flex Pitch works great, another like you will report all sorts of artifacts and distortion. Sometimes I've sliced regions containing such a noise that was creating artifacts with Flex Pitch just so that I could turn Flex off for that slice, keeping it on for the rest of the vocal performance.


I would encourage you to try Melodyne, some people have reported having better success with it than with Flex Pitch. Obviously, it's not the same price. There is a free trial (https://www.celemony.com/en/trial) so if I were you I would download it and give it a test run. If you do please do come back here and let us know how well that worked for you?

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