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Create stem mix without bleed from other tracks' send FX?


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Hi, I need to create stems that include my grouped tracks' send FX. But I need to do it such that sends of tracks not part of my stem group do not have their send FX returns added into the stem mix.


So you can imagine I have tracks 1-4 using reverb on Bus 1. But tracks 7, 9, 22, etc also use reverb on Bus 1. So if I solo my stem tracks then I suspect the non-solo'd tracks will still have their send returns showing up on Bus 1.


Any tips on efficient way to do this for big project?



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For big projects I create summing stacks for each instrument group needed. Each summing stack has its own FX sends/ returns. If you then 'command' click all the summing stacks (click each summing stack while holding down cmd key) you can export the stems for each stack with their own FX and no bleed from any other stems outside each stack. It takes a while to set up, but it works. The only bug I've noticed is that 'external instrument' input on any hardware needs to be disabled on each stack or sometimes the stack won't export. Other than that it's a great way to export stem groups in one go.
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