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SOLVED: How to reset/remove Count-In Bars?


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I don't understand the why and how of Logic adding bars before the first bar of my Project but I can't seem to get this to reset now.


The Cycle Range is set at the 1st bar of my comp. On occasion (and I have no idea why this happens intermittently), when I catch the Cycle marker to drag it and start looping another range of my comp, instead of moving the Cycle range it will begin adding bars prior to the 1st bar of my song.


When it happens, I drag back to the right to remove the bars and then try again. Usually on the second attempt things work as I expect and I just place the cycle start and end positions elsewhere in my song.


I've never been able to understand the rhyme or reason as to why Logic only does this sometimes as I seem to be doing the same thing every time. (e.g. not holding any keys or etc.)


Anyway, this time dragging to the right is getting me nothing and I now have my song waiting on -33 bars of nothing before the 1st bar of my comp begins.


Why does this happen and how can I reset this so I can have my comp begin at the 1st bar as before? Hoping resetting of t he defaults isn't the answer.




After multiple attempts I was finally able to get the project to begin on the first bar by grabbing the cursor on the grid at the far right and dragging to the right. Had done this several times before this post and the floating tooltip always reported that the project was at the first beat and bar but after releasing it would continue to start -33 bars before the 1st.


Wish I knew a way to disable that feature. Probably useful to some but totally useless and quirky for me.

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