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Bounced midi to audio doesn’t null test?


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bounce-in-place? or bouncing out of logic? does the synth have any chorusing? are there any random elements in the sound? does it sound bad on it's own? out of time? out of key?


if it's important to figure this out, good luck; there's a great community here to help. but i have to say... i've never tried this, am too busy making music....


EDIT: i have never bounced-in-place anything that didn't sound exactly like it should (but of course, am only using my puny human ears...) 8-)

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Like has been said, synths often involve pseudo random things like global LFOs, reverb, modulation, chorusing and other non-repeatable things so they often won't null when you record them multiple times. This is not a problem.


If you want peace of mind that nothing's broken, take a synth sound, one oscillator, filter fully open, turn off all modulation and FX so you're left with a raw sawtooth. Make sure it's phase is retriggered on each note, as otherwise, free-running oscillators also mean duplicate recordings won't null - once you do all that, the simplest of simple cases, your files will likely null if you've done everything correctly. But you've really gained nothing from that exercise really, so I'm not sure what the point is.


Why did you expect it would null? Why does it matter? Life doesn't null.... ;)

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I'd suggest not using a synth but a sampler for this.

A couple of weeks ago I did this with Ultrabeat and the results were weird, to say the least. It depended on where the regions were located in the song relative to the play start. Logic needed around two measures before the regions; then it would null completely. It's as if Logic needs a certain amount of time to "find its groove", so to speak.

Consequently having regions starting a measure 1 never did null for me. Moving those regions two measures (and starting playing from Measure 1) did null.

My guess is that it's not the bounced regions that are a problem here (if I remember correctly bouncing a region twice would null the bounced material against each other) but the playback of the original MIDI/instrument material.

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