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How to record automation from Environment? [SOLVED]

Alex A Casey

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I created my environment for Supernova II. It consists of faders which I need to manage all controllers via midi. It allows to change program parameters by mouse in real time. How can I record automation? I tried to push Touch button on the selected track and move faders by mouse. Nothing recorded. What settings do I have to check or do?
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You need to cable serially all faders and have an Input and Output objects.

For example: Monitor object labeled as "IN", Fader 1, Fader 2 etc, Monitor object labeled as "OUT". So you cable IN>F1>F2>OUT.

You have to create a Track for the "IN" object in the Arrange where to record the automation.

Let say your F1 & F2 output definition is set to CC12 & CC13. Hit the record button in the Logic transport and tweak the faders. You will note that some CC# data will be recorded. Stop and replay the newly recorded region - the faders will be automated.

During mouse tweaking Logic records the Fader Output Definition internally (no-sequencer routing is required).

During play the "IN" track object will deliver the automation via the serial cabling to the all objects in the chain. You can pack your editor in a Macro for example and create a track for it - same principle...


You can toggle the "Autodefine" view using a key-command so you can see the CC events as automation nodes. You can create Hyper sets in the Hyper Draw editor and make groups and custom names regarding the Hardware synth parameters.

I do not recommend using any Latch/Touch TBA with external synth editors cause you need to edit true midi events like CC, Prg etc.

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