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How to record 3 Software instruments using 1 MIDI channel


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Hi there,


Ive looked all over for a solution to this and couldnt find so here I am. I am using a keyboard that can only output 1 MIDi channel. I want to record 3 software instruments, 1 piano in the upper registers and 2 layered basses in the bottom register. I figured out that how to get each software instrument to respond only to a certain range of notes, but heres the problem:

When I record, all the MIDI information for all 3 instruments appears in the track that Ive highlighted. I dont want this. I want the MIDI information in the specified key range of each instrument to go to THAT instruments track. That way I can independently edit the MIDI information for the keys, and the bass.


Any help is appreciated!

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Try this project as an example. It uses some transformers to process the incoming MIDI data plus Multiplayer recording mode as explained here:


Control Multiple Instruments on Different MIDI Channels


The ranges I'm using in this project are:


Piano: B2 and above.

Acoustic bass: F2 to A#2.

Synth Bass: E2 and bellow.


A Capslock keyboard range, basically.





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Thanks Jordi for posing that as a basic Environment setup.

By the way this is the most used one and I got it just to check it up if you use that known technique...

I'd like to make a little note about that known technique using Transformers as "Top Cable" key range splitters. There is one major problem in that - the OTHER performance midi events like Pitch Bend, Modulation, Expression (if using any pedals) etc.

The other events go to a certain channel - in your scenario that all are transformed to ch.3 right ?

It is not the best but the very simple way is to just duplicate & channelize one midi path into 3 midi pats and set the wanted key range "Limit" in the duplicated/channelized paths. In this scenario the "Other events" will be copied and channelized as well.

Let's say you play the upper piano range and use expression then the expression will be recorded to the three instruments cause it is copied to ch.1,2 &3 but it will affect only ch1 cause you play the upper part only. If you play simultaneously lower part and the upper part then the expression will be recorded on the all 3 midi channels but it will affect the playing instruments only etc.

There are more intelligent solutions I guess, but I prefer to outline something very basic and simple like the setup I show in the image below .

In this setup I use three Standard Instruments set to "No Port" and channels 1,2,3 per each instrument object so I can use them as Channel transformers and as Key range limiters using the "Lim" setting in the Inspector to set the Upper, Middle and the Lower key ranges you want. The "Autodemix by midi channel" project setting must be enabled to put Logic into a Multiplayer mode as was mentioned above and the Instrument tracks have to be set to midi channels 1,2,3 and armed ! There is a Bypass (On/Off) Cable Switcher button so you can use it to enable disable the Environment Key range channelizer (the button can be remote controlled via CC12).

I have attached the template below.




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You could simply record-enable all three tracks NOT in multiplayer mode, and use the Key Limit track parameter so each track only gets triggered by notes in a specific range.


[attachment=0]Picture 5.png[/attachment]


But David, that's what the OP tried but he wants to avoid having all notes in the selected track's region after recording...even if only the range of notes in the track parameters will be the ones actually triggering the instrument.



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