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quantising triplets


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My quantise menu (in piano roll) doesn't have normal tuplet options, it has has 5 7 and 9, but not 3 or 6. I've changed the subdivision on the transport so it's 4/4 - 12, which affects the grid but not the quantise. I've tried the quantise option '8 and 12', but that doesn't work either.

I'm looking at 12 triplets in the grid, but the quantise is snapping the notes to 8th notes.

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Rev. Judas Sleaze.

8&12 should work, unless the notes are closer to 8ths than 12ths.


Aha, this comment has illuminated me. Sorry, i was being a bit thick. Obviously we're dealing with a combo of 8th notes and 8th note triplets in the quantise, so if my material (which was an export from a score program) has already been quantised at 8th notes then logic will keep it that way as the 8th notes are closer.

Apologies, i'm not used to dealing with this multi-layer quantise (i just switched from cubase after 15years!!!)


So my next question would be... Is there a way to force quantise to triplets without changing the time signature to compound time (12/8). Like can i make my own quantise preset of 12 subdivisions as i don't like working in compound time and switching back and forth between 12/8 and 4/4/12 is gonna get annoying.


On the bright side, i'm seeing that this system is gona be quite cool for managing subdivisions like 4 quarters notes in 3/4 time etc.

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Oh great, crochets and quavers. My favorite, intentionally sans the "u". Wait, that's not quite enough. If I'm going to help out I must taunt you some more with: "trucks and elevators and cigarettes."


There, I feel better! :lol:


So my next question would be... Is there a way to force quantise to triplets without changing the time signature to compound time (12/8). Like can i make my own quantise preset of 12 subdivisions as i don't like working in compound time and switching back and forth between 12/8 and 4/4/12 is gonna get annoying.


Yes. Question... are you looking to make a score from this?




Any region can contain any combination of notes quantized to any particular value. It's a little weird, but... let's say that you have a region that's been quantized to 16ths vis a vis its realtime region parameter. Well, you could go into the piano roll (or other editor) and re-quantize any of those notes to, say, 8th note triplets using the Quantize Tool or the Quantize feature built into the piano roll, regardless of the region's realtime quantize setting. In fact, if some of those notes were originally closer to triplets than 8ths, Logic will know because it retains information about the originally recorded position of notes even after region quantizing is applied.


Thus, the realtime region parameters set an "initial" quantization for the contents of the region, but from that point on you can freely move the position of notes (or add new ones) within the region and they will not be forced to conform to that region's realtime quantize value.


However, were you to change the region's quantize setting to something else, then all notes in the region are subject (and will conform to) that new quantization.

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Quantizing in Logic could be applied discretely to single notes inside a region, to region of a track or to the track. Additionally, the score sheet could also have his own but the latter won't affect the playback itself... And that is only a part of what Logic offer regarding quantize setting.
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