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Unify from Plugin Guru


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First look impressions.

Fairly fantastic! New and buggy (version 1). Looks promising though with free and frequent updates.

Can scan and import most plugins (not Logic's proprietary ones of course).


Quickly and easily build multi layered/split patches with included plugins. (Improved open source Inst and FX plugins and their own new sample player.)

Also includes a growing list of MIDI FX plugins (Blue Arp is surprisingly versatile).

Quick, responsive, efficient feeling. Quick loading.

Well thought out main window with easy access velocity curves, key splits, mutes, solo on every layer of patch.

Growing library with (to date) over 450 patches.

Audio Unit, VST, VST3 and Standalone mode.

Is also a VST wrapper!

Has 8 macro (MIDI learnable) onscreen knobs.

Slew Rate controls are starting to appear in updates.

Demo now available.

Generous pricing $59 US until March 15th, 2020, then it will sell for $79.


Caveats: Right now has a weird patch storage (database?) structure that wouldn't let me load or move patches I stored in a wrong folder. They are working on it. Also you can import your own samples into the sampler but it is somewhat convoluted. They are working on improving this.


Pure speculation here, (have not had enough time with it) but it might end up being more versatile than Logic's Track Stacks, more like having a mini mainstage for 3rd party AUs, VSTs and MIDI FX on every logic track?

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Retail version. I'm all in. Let me explain.

Long ago I started building a bank library of combo patches layering hardware Juno patches with TX-81z transient patches. The results were stunningly satisfying to play. Lively FM transients over thick analog patches. I used program change messages to link the 2 synths. This was a bit difficult to maintain.


Fast forward to today and I heard Skippy unveil his motivation to create Unify. He had had similar thoughts, why not find a way to make use of some of the best free software synths and FX. To combine them into all kinds of layers/splits velocity/aftertouch macro knobable creations where the sum becomes way more than the separate parts. Each layer is it's own engine with it's own sound. They added their own sampler design to the mix. In stand alone mode layers will spread out to separate multi cores (don't know yet if it can do multicore when used as a plugin in Logic).


Anyway, got to run but the thing sounds great, some talented amazing sound design already to go there. Oh - and Slew is a slowing down of control voltage, think of aftertouch which disappears too quickly after releasing, you can slow this down, not implemented yet but soon.

Edited by Mark R
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