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Channel EQ Fine Volume Control


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I wish that the Channel EQ could work in volume steps of something finer than the default 0.5 dB.


Most of the time the difference between these steps isn't super noticeable at all, but sometimes it is. And it is usually the case when automating bands.


I think lowering the quantum to 0.1dB would be perfect -- or at least keep the 0.5dB drag by default and let us control drag for this finer tuning. That way the functionality of the EQs would remain virtually untouched for most but allow those of us wishing for finer control a very easy method of doing so.


The video below shows what that automation actually is doing vs the picture which shows what it would look like

(I know this phrase is very misleading so let me qualify: The automation would lead you to believe that you are getting a very smooth sweep across gain values, when in actuality it is quite observably quantized. Changing to a 0.1dB margin or similar would make this noticeably more smooth)


(sorry the gif is a bit slow) [check the high shelf gain]





Edited by Nogan
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  • 2 weeks later...
Not being at the studio to verify so I maybe wrong, but I was in the impression that while mouse-dragging, finetuning could be achieve by concurrently using a key modifier (i.e. Ctrl, Shift, Option, Command, ?)...


You *can* move the gain with more precision when using (option for me, insert your key command here) and dragging from the volume of a band, but this does not change the decibel increment of the EQ, just the mouse sensitivity.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update: it seems that linear phase EQ actually already does 0.1, just not the regular channel eq.


I get that often linear phase will be used for more surgical work than the channel eq, but in projects and genres that require tight and intricate drum work such as DnB I would really love to avoid the LPEQ and it’s pre-ring that messes with my snare transients.

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