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Nice filtered delay with SilverVerb


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Using SilverVerb as a delay unit can be really fun, because by changing the Density/Time, you get a mix of a delay and a reverb at the same time. The delay effect becomes a bit softer, which sometimes give a pleasant effect.


Here's how:

Reflectivity will have the same behavior as the Feedback on a real delay plugin

Size will have the same behavior as the time (you have to set it manually, because there's no sync, but not being in sync 100% can bring that randomness that gives a sound a certain character)

Density/time will make that transition from 100% delay, 100% reverb or both, depending on how much you set it to.


So for a 100% delay, just set the Density/Time to 0%.


If you set the Low Cut to 1200Hz and the High Cut to 5900Hz it sounds really good, in my opinion. If you use this as an insert, Wet values all the way up to 50% sound good, but of course, feel free to try different ones depending on the effect you want. :)


On top of that, you can always activate the Modulation for more randomness. Rate around 3Hz, Phase doesn't really seem to make a big different to my ears, Intensity at 1. Play with the Rate to have a more obvious effect.


Hope it's a useful tip for a different type of effect. Just an alternative, for those who like to try different approaches to the same (or similar) result :)



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