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Use Playback-plugin-markers to trigger next-page action for a Background-inserted-PDF


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Hey everybody, this my first post.

I want to use MS's "Background object" PDF-insert feature that allows to display a multi-page PDF document (lyrics and/or sheet music) one page at a time.

The feature is presented on page 269 of the MS Guide (free on Apple's Book app).

The book explains clearly how to advance to the next, previous or specific page using screen controls. I've tried it and it works fine, but...

What I really need is to trigger each page changes based on marker changes in the Playback plugin (audio file bounced from Logic together with markers)

Is there a way to do that by way of MS's "regular" mapping functionalities?

Alternatively, is there a Script that would accomplish that?


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An image might help convey my situation better than just words:


Considering that in the 'list" object, the markers are highlighted one after the other as the Playback plugin track plays, then there should be a way to use the markers as a trigger to advance to the next PDF page, which is exactly what the "Next" button does, but with a manual intervention. Basically i'm trying to automate the "Next" button based on marker changes.

For anyone wondering why I want to do this, the answer is: to show lyrics and chords in smaller chunks, in succession, which will allow me to use larger font sizes that are more easily readable.

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Splitting the song in several patches is a solution that others use, and that I kept aside as "plan B". Yesterday I tested an alternate simple concept that would allow me to keep a 1 song / 1 patch system. Here's how it works:


1) Before bouncing out of Logic I created markers and "named" them each with one lyric sentence, positioning the markers where the lyrics are sung along the track

2) I then bounced the song out of Logic (AIFF format) and added it to MainStage using the Playback plugin

3) Finally I created a list object in layout mode in MS, stretching it horizontally across the screen to allow the full sentences to display (the list object is mapped to patches by default but are easily remapped to the Playback plugin which displays the marker labels)


One advantage of this workaround is that it highlights the current sentence (i.e. marker) as the song progresses making it easier to see where you're at. Although I would prefer a PDF page-advance triggered by marker change, this solution is pretty cool and simple to implement. I tested the marker label limitations up to 100 characters and it still worked.


Thanks DewdMan42 for answering my question and for your multiple other contributions in other threads that I've been reading recently.

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