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Moving comp tracks/take folders from project to project


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Hey y’all. I’m trying to move comp tracks from one project to another but for some reason logic thinks that the comp track I’m importing is part of the comp track that’s already in the project and starts using takes from that original comp track and not the one I’ve imported. Is there anyway to solve this whilst still having the regions available as comp tracks?

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Having 2 projects open at the same time can lead to weird Logic behavior.

Use the Import Function:

File - Import - Logic Projects

Then go to the track in question in the import list and checkmark Content. It will import every region/take folder that's on that track and you can add to your project. Delete later what you don't need.

You can't import single regions or take folders like that.

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The manual way:

What I do when the import function fails (which it does sometimes regarding routing, automation, tempo):

- create all the appropriate tracks and routing in the target project (use the channel strip settings function for this to copy channel strip settings)

- turn off the audio driver

- open both projects side by side

- make sure the tempo and time signature is the same in both projects (usually is... but who knows, we sometimes merge from different tempos too, so we have to be careful)

- copy the regions track by track. Sometimes it helps to create a second track of the same channel (you'll have to do that in the target project as well), put a dummy region on it for the whole length from beat 1 up until at least the end of your last region, then use copy in the source project and paste in the target project.

- No Output tracks also help, because once the audio driver is off you can't create audio tracks anymore, but you can of course create them later also, but this way, you can at least move your regions manually.

- use the automation event list to copy/paste automation data.

- when you're done, save the target project, close both projects, re-enable the audio driver and load your target project.


Edited by wonshu
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