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UltraBeat Sound Swapping?


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I'm wondering if there is a method to trigger other sounds, say, a basic Synth sound, from within UltraBeat instead of the drum sounds that get triggered? I would really like to start setting up synth loops and appreggio sequences on the fly in Ultrabeat, Hope this question makes sense.
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There is a standard feature built into UB that could get some use in your case. If you notice that most of the UB kits have either a bass sound or synth sound in the 25th channel (at the top of the screen) at C3. Well from C3 on that sound will follow upwards from that point on. In other words, D3, E3, F3 .... will sound that sample like any other instrument. If you want to spend the time you can build arpeggios by using "Full View". Use this method to work out your bass pattern or arpeggio and then move the pattern (as a midi region) to a new track and use a different instrument to actually play the part.

I created some decent midi tracks by building patterns that way.

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Osc 1 or Osc 2 can both generate synth sounds, you can create all sorts of synth sounds (phase osc, fm, ring modulation, sample playback, physical modeling, etc etc...) with Ultrabeat so the possibilities are endless.


But to use the full view to create a step pattern, you'd have to first make sure you use a synth sound for several of the 24 voices assigned to C1 through B2.


You could start with sound #25, copy and paste it on the other voices and change the pitch for each one of the voices.

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All im really looking to do is get the "synth/sound" patterns data done in ultrabeat then paste them into a track as midi data and start plugging sounds into them. I could easily do the same thing with a midi track, but the ultrabeat setup is real nice.
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Right. The "challenge" is that Ultrabeat is really designed for drums, meaning it's designed so that each note triggers a different sound, not the same sound at a different pitch like a classic synth. So to have ultrabeat trigger the same note at different pitches when you use the different lanes on the full view grid, you'll have to do a little bit of setup. That's what I was explaining.


Once you've done your setup, you can save the preset and you'll never have to do it again.

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