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Well im having a break in my production flow. Im really getting s#!+ done. Its about time!!!, recently a house mate has brought a little pug, yepp, he's cute, he has the face, the wrinkles and all that lark, but damn, ive never realised how much of a little piece of hell he actually can be. My friends are tattoo artists so they are out all day and go out for festivals all weekend, great life for them. This week i have had to look after the pug and christ on a bike is he insanely annoying.

He pisses on me regularly, he just craps all around the house regardless to leaving the huge patio door open, he steals my socks from my feet, bites like a madman, runs into the garden and disappears into the bushes. Ive never felt so stressed in my entire life, when my original intention was to get some production time.

Now the lads are back, i can finally kick back and work on my music again, even if i am stopping up all through the night. Coffee is key.

Don't you just hate it when something so small/simple stops your work flow, whether is be your dog, your child, work. DAMN I WANT TO TWIST KNOBS AND CLICK THINGS THAT MAKE THINGS HAPPEN IN AN CREATIVE MANOR, GIVE ME A FREAKIN' BREAK.


Probably just another random, pointless and irritating post. I just wanted to post something whilst i was having a break from the loops.




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recently a house mate has brought a little pug, yepp, he's cute, he has the face, the wrinkles and all that lark, but damn, ive never realised how much of a little piece of hell he actually can be.


He pisses on me regularly, he just craps all around the house regardless to leaving the huge patio door open, he steals my socks from my feet, bites like a madman, runs into the garden and disappears into the bushes. Ive never felt so stressed in my entire life.


Here's one solution.




Probably just another random, pointless and irritating post.



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