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[SOLVED through workaround] Bug in Automation Regions


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'Editing looped (ie moved to region) automation?'

'Possible bug in the automation of ESM bass synth'


I found a workaround to the bug subsequently described in this thread.

It's as simple as it's obvious: Just unembed the automation region you want to edit, then embed again, rinse and repeat. Works almost as fast as just editing the region with a little bit of practice.

Hope this helps anyone getting the same problem.





I was wondering if someone could help me with this.


Editing looped automation (looped by way of the 'move automation to region' command) somehow doesn't seem to work - straight ramps get turned into steep yes/no curves and I somehow turn soloing on for the track.


I have to unembed the automation to make it editable again .




Marco :)

Edited by Bonteburg
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Editing looped automation (looped by way of the 'move automation to region' command) somehow doesn't seem to work - straight ramps get turned into steep yes/no curves and I somehow turn soloing on for the track.

What automation parameter? How are you editing it?


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Yeah! I should have added that...


it's the 9.1.6 32 bit version that came as a special deal in late 2011 over here.

The system is OSX 10.6.8


OK so Firstly, it appears to a problem with ESM itself – not the automation system as a whole, reducing the problem to a very small one.


A bit of background story:


Editing parametres in „regionified” automation (short of unembedding the data) was known to be impossible in the last version I used (Express 6) back in 2004 on my G4. I thought it was a limitation of Express.


I'm using the curve selection and automation selection tools (if that's the correct english translation) on the nodes in the region with the track auto.


The ESM parametre is Cutoff.


On clicking it replaces the ramps with on/off type stairsteps and then solos the whole track.


Marco :)




And ESP seems to have a weird thing where it's somehow changing various channel parametres when you're editing synth params in region mode. On the whole though, editing automation that's tied to a region behaves kind of wacky and erratic.

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