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Moving several regions to the same position at once [SOLVED]


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Moving regions is a basic task, isn't it ?


Is there a function in Logic to move in one action several regions (that are each at a different time position)

to a same time position but on their respective track ?

Exemple :

Select 3 regions.


Region 1 on track 1 at position 1 1 1 1

Region 2 on track 2 at position 2 1 1 1

Region 3 on track 3 at position 3 1 1 1


Can we move in one action these 3 regions to the position 4 1 1 1 , keeping them on their respective track ?


I'm on Logic 8 and i haven't found this function.

I have also looked in the Logic Pro X manual but this function, that i consider basic for a soft that claims to be pro, still isn't in Logic it seems.

If this function exist in Logic, where is it ? How to action it ?


The exemple above is with 3 regions,

but imagine when you got 30 or 40 regions to move one by one,

and this several times a day,

and again day after day ....


What qualifies a professional tool is,

for one part the good quality work that it permits to achieve,

and for other part the working speed it allows, time is crucial in professional domain for the enterprise to survive.

If Logic doesn't have this function,

the lack of it make Logic not a Pro app, but semi-pro.


What are others sequencers, really pro, that got this basic editing function ?


Thank you.

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Well thank you,

I wonder why it is not said in manuals about moving regions.


The trick you give works but all regions selected are first moved aligned at 1 1 1 1

then we got to enter the desired position (4 1 1 1 in the example)

So that makes two actions to get the result, not one,

but i admit it's a lot better than repeating 40x a same action. :D

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