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  1. Hi everyones, I have a question or any suggestions, I would like to do some wave form art for my house. I have recorded in Logic a voice clip and would like to turn it into a poster. Obviously I do not want to pay some of these online prices to do it when I can do it myself. However, I will upload some photos and see if you guys have any suggestions as to which programs I could use etc. Thanks so much!
  2. I just discovered the save setting feature in the mixer. So this makes my common go to plugins sooo easily loadable.... Wow I can't believe I just discovered this feature. Now I'm going to investigate if I can save certain saved settings as a short cut key. That.... Would..... Rock. A side not question. When I create new track how can I have the default drummer be set to a specific kit? It always resorts to the rock kit. I am going to experiment a bit and see if I can figure this out.
  3. Are you using a compressor on every channel for vst instruments? How about a limiter? I'm curious what are your typical chains for say... Piano Drummer track Synths Strings Bass I have been using light compression on pretty much everything including vst instruments and audio. I also many times use the limiter function just in case.
  4. Hi, I have two questions. 1. Anyway that I can see the notes on the score editor when I am playing piano? For instance I can see the names of the chords in the tempo display but when I try to open the score editor and play I do not see any notes live. only if if record them. 2. Any good recommendations for sight reading and rhythm training, to use with Mac OS as I do not have an iphone nore ipad. Thank you!
  5. direct link, sorry about that. ha https://dallon.bandcamp.com/album/illusions
  6. I just finished this, if you have extra cash and like to support broke musicians and teachers, feel free to donate. I spend a lot of time on this project and it is finally finished. I recieved important feedback here and I appreciate if you gave some constructive criticism. Thank you oh so much https://dallon.bandcamp.com/
  7. I am looking for a real bassist, I pretty much have the parts written, but I do not like the way that it sounds with a plugin. When it Rings (1).mp3
  8. Hi, I am curious about the sustain pedal with midi.... I have been having issues with the sustain pedal and notes doing exactly what I want. It is as if sometimes they do not sustain correctly and at the correct positions. I love so many things about logic but when it comes to recording midi, this might be my least favorite program, as I find myself always having to go back and tweak little things such as that. The sustain will cut off at the end of the bar and then not sustain where I want it to on the next bar. I did not have these problems in cubase nor ableton.... Ugh
  9. for the moment. The technology will improve, I have no doubt about that....
  10. I tried it and I did not get the results I was looking for. The technology needs to improve. For now the way I see it, the softwares that I have seen, have had decent results and would work fine for using samples and then applying filters etc. But to have the song sound perfect (which is my goal) I just think the technology is not there yet.
  11. Yes I checked out a few and wasn't that impressed. It does a pretty good job but it's not "perfect" you can hear strange artifacts and random frequencies
  12. Hi, I have an old song that I did the vocals for and I no longer have access to the original files. I have tried an online vocal remover for free and got ok results but they are not perfect. Any recommendations? Or is there anyone here who wants to take this challenge? if so, I can email the file please reach me at {email hidden} Thank you, Dallon
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